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Checkpoint 156-315.81 Practice Test 10

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To optimize Rule Base efficiency, the most hit rules should be where?

Removed from the Rule Base.
Removed from the Rule Base.
Towards the middle of the Rule Base.
Towards the middle of the Rule Base.
Towards the top of the Rule Base.
Towards the top of the Rule Base.
Towards the bottom of the Rule Base.
Towards the bottom of the Rule Base.
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Suggested answer: C

To optimize Rule Base efficiency, the most hit rules should be towards the top of the Rule Base. This is because the Rule Base is processed from top to bottom, and the first rule that matches the traffic is applied. Therefore, placing the most hit rules at the top reduces the number of rules that need to be checked and improves the performance of the firewall.

Reference:R81 Security Management Administration Guide, page 97.

asked 16/09/2024
43 questions