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156-560: CheckPoint Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
3 Quizzes

Exam Number: 156-560

Exam Name: CheckPoint Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist

Length of test: 90 mins

Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions.

Exam Language: English

Number of questions in the actual exam: 75

Passing Score: around 80%

This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the 156-560 exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

Related questions

Which is not a Pillar of the Framework for the Cloud?

Performance Efficiency
Performance Efficiency
Cost Optimization
Cost Optimization
Suggested answer: C


asked 16/09/2024
Mpho Ntshontsi
49 questions

Which CloudGuard security platform enables organizations to view and access their security posture, find cloud misconfigurations, and enforce best practices?

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What is Performance Efficiency?

The ability to use cloud resources efficiently for meeting system requirements, and maintaining that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve
The ability to use cloud resources efficiently for meeting system requirements, and maintaining that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve
The ability to support development and run workloads effectively
The ability to support development and run workloads effectively
In terms of the cloud, security is about architecting every workload to prevent
In terms of the cloud, security is about architecting every workload to prevent
The ability of a Workload to function correctly and consistently in all expected
The ability of a Workload to function correctly and consistently in all expected
Suggested answer: A

The Performance Efficiency pillar includes the ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve. You can find prescriptive guidance on implementation in the Performance Efficiency Pillar whitepaper.

asked 16/09/2024
Christina Lanaski
43 questions

Which is not a deployment method for CloudGuard solutions using

CPS Portal
CPS Portal
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Athabile Landzela
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Introduction to Cloud Security Posture Management uses which of the following to connect, communicate, and collect information from cloud accounts and third party tools?

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The Administrators ability to protect data, systems, and assets While taking advantage of cloud technologies is commonly called

Cost Optimization
Cost Optimization
Operational Excellence
Operational Excellence
Performance Efficiency
Performance Efficiency
Suggested answer: B

The security pillar encompasses the ability to protect data, systems, and assets to take advantage of cloud technologies to improve your security.

asked 16/09/2024
Matthew Hillson
48 questions

Which of the following is a common limitation of cloud platforms?

Network address translations
Network address translations
Custom Route Tables
Custom Route Tables
Identity and Access Management
Identity and Access Management
Packet Forwarding
Packet Forwarding
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
saiming wong
42 questions

To travel between spokes, non-transitive traffic uses ________ to allow Ipv4 and IPv6 traffic to reach a spoke network

the Northbound hub
the Northbound hub
the Southbound hub
the Southbound hub
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
Asif Ibrahim
52 questions

What can Data Center Objects represent?

vNets. VPCs or Network Security Groups
vNets. VPCs or Network Security Groups
Compute. Regions or Availability Zones
Compute. Regions or Availability Zones
Public IP. Private IP NAT or IAM roles
Public IP. Private IP NAT or IAM roles
Cloud Data Center. Tags, subnets, or hosts
Cloud Data Center. Tags, subnets, or hosts
Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Pavel Tylich
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Which of these is true of the CloudGuard Controller?

CloudGuard Controller manually updates SmartConsole security tads and API connections
CloudGuard Controller manually updates SmartConsole security tads and API connections
CloudGuard Controller only displays cloud-based Security Gateway objects
CloudGuard Controller only displays cloud-based Security Gateway objects
CloudGuard Controller maintains visibility of the protected cloud environment
CloudGuard Controller maintains visibility of the protected cloud environment
CoudGuard Control statically .denies Cloud resources created within a single cloud or a multicloud environment.
CoudGuard Control statically .denies Cloud resources created within a single cloud or a multicloud environment.
Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
claudine Nguepnang
46 questions