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Cisco 200-201 Practice Test 4

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Which two pieces of information are collected from the IPv4 protocol header? (Choose two.)

UDP port to which the traffic is destined

UDP port to which the traffic is destined

TCP port from which the traffic was sourced

TCP port from which the traffic was sourced

source IP address of the packet

source IP address of the packet

destination IP address of the packet

destination IP address of the packet

UDP port from which the traffic is sourced

UDP port from which the traffic is sourced

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Suggested answer: C, D

The IPv4 protocol header contains various fields that provide essential information for routing and delivery of packets across an IP network. Two key pieces of information collected from the IPv4 header are the source IP address and the destination IP address of the packet.These addresses are crucial for identifying where a packet is coming from and where it is intended to go12.

asked 07/10/2024
Mariusz Lewandowski
47 questions