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2V0-72.22: Professional Develop VMware Spring

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes

The 2V0-72.22 exam, also known as Professional Develop VMware Spring, is a crucial certification for professionals in the field of Spring development. To increase your chances of passing, practicing with real exam questions shared by those who have succeeded can be invaluable. In this guide, we’ll provide you with practice test questions and answers, offering insights directly from candidates who have already passed the exam.

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  • Real Exam Experience: Our practice tests accurately replicate the format and difficulty of the actual 2V0-72.22 exam, providing you with a realistic preparation experience.

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Key Features of 2V0-72.22 Practice Test:

  • Up-to-Date Content: Our community ensures that the questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam objectives and technology trends.

  • Detailed Explanations: Each question comes with detailed explanations, helping you understand the correct answers and learn from any mistakes.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The practice tests cover all key topics of the 2V0-72.22 exam, including Spring development, VMware Spring technologies, and Spring solutions.

  • Customizable Practice: Create your own practice sessions based on specific topics or difficulty levels to tailor your study experience to your needs.

Exam Details:

  • Exam Number: 2V0-72.22

  • Exam Name: Professional Develop VMware Spring

  • Length of Test: 2 hours (120 minutes)

  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions

  • Exam Language: English

  • Number of Questions: 90 questions

  • Passing Score: 300 out of 500 (60%)

Use the member-shared 2V0-72.22 Practice Tests to ensure you're fully prepared for your certification exam. Start practicing today and take a significant step towards achieving your certification goals!

Related questions

Refer to the exhibit.

VMware 2V0-72.22 image Question 16 9829 09162024012619000000

The above code shows a conditional @Bean method for the creation of a JdbcTemplate bean. Which two statements correctly describe the code behavior? (Choose two.)

@ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with @ConditionalOnBean(DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
@ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with @ConditionalOnBean(DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
@ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with@ConditionalOnMissingBean (DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
@ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with@ConditionalOnMissingBean (DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
The @Bean annotation should be removed.
The @Bean annotation should be removed.
A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when the DataSource class is in the classpath but there is no DataSource bean.
A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when the DataSource class is in the classpath but there is no DataSource bean.
A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when a bean named dataSource has already been created.
A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when a bean named dataSource has already been created.
Suggested answer: A, E

The @Bean annotation is used to declare a method that returns an object that should be registered as a bean in the application context. The @ConditionalOnBean annotation is used to specify a condition for the bean creation based on the presence or absence of other beans in the application context. The name attribute of this annotation can be used to specify the bean name or names that must be present or absent for the condition to match. However, this approach is less flexible than using the value or type attribute, which can specify the bean class or classes that must be present or absent for the condition to match. Therefore, it is recommended to use @ConditionalOnBean(DataSource.class) instead of @ConditionalOnBean(name= ''dataSource'') for greater flexibility.

The JdbcTemplate class is a Spring class that simplifies the use of JDBC and helps to avoid common errors. It executes core JDBC workflow, leaving application code to provide SQL and extract results. To create a JdbcTemplate object, we need to pass a DataSource object as a constructor argument. The DataSource interface is a Java interface that represents a factory of connection objects. In this code, the jdbcTemplate() method takes a DataSource object as a parameter and returns a new JdbcTemplate object. This method is annotated with @Bean and @ConditionalOnBean(name= ''dataSource''), which means that it will only create a JdbcTemplate bean when there is already a bean named dataSource in the application context.

asked 16/09/2024
Oleksii Derevianchenko
38 questions

Which statement describes the propagation behavior of Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW annotation?

(Choose the best answer.)

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Which two statements are true regarding the RestTemplate class? (Choose two.)

It supports asynchronous non-blocking model.
It supports asynchronous non-blocking model.
It automatically supports sending and receiving Java objects.
It automatically supports sending and receiving Java objects.
It provides convenience methods for writing REST clients.
It provides convenience methods for writing REST clients.
It provides convenience methods for writing REST services.
It provides convenience methods for writing REST services.
Sending an HTTP request with a custom header is not possible when using RestTemplate.
Sending an HTTP request with a custom header is not possible when using RestTemplate.
Suggested answer: B, C

The RestTemplate class is a Spring class that provides an easy way to communicate with RESTful web services from within an application. It offers several convenience methods for performing HTTP requests and handling HTTP responses, such as getForObject(), postForEntity(), exchange(), etc. It also supports automatic conversion of Java objects to and from JSON or XML using HttpMessageConverter instances.

asked 16/09/2024
- Paulo Fonseca
44 questions

Which statement describes the @AfterReturning advice type? (Choose the best answer.)

The advice is invoked only if the method returns successfully but not if it throws an exception.
The advice is invoked only if the method returns successfully but not if it throws an exception.
The @AfterReturning advice allows behavior to be added after a method returns even if it throws an exception.
The @AfterReturning advice allows behavior to be added after a method returns even if it throws an exception.
The advice has complete control over the method invocation; it could even prevent the method from being called at all.
The advice has complete control over the method invocation; it could even prevent the method from being called at all.
Typically used to prevent any exception, thrown by the advised method, from propagating up the call-stack.
Typically used to prevent any exception, thrown by the advised method, from propagating up the call-stack.
Suggested answer: A

Reference: https://www.amitph.com/spring-aop-afterreturning-advice

asked 16/09/2024
Knowledge Mathebula
40 questions

Which two statements are correct regarding Spring Boot auto-configuration? (Choose two.)

Auto-configuration uses @Conditional annotations to constrain when it should apply.
Auto-configuration uses @Conditional annotations to constrain when it should apply.
Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is missing but not when a bean is present.
Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is missing but not when a bean is present.
Auto-configuration is applied by processing candidates listed in META-INF/spring.factories.
Auto-configuration is applied by processing candidates listed in META-INF/spring.factories.
Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is present but not when a bean is missing.
Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is present but not when a bean is missing.
Auto-configuration is applied before user-defined beans have been registered.
Auto-configuration is applied before user-defined beans have been registered.
Suggested answer: A, C
asked 16/09/2024
Elham Alasmari
40 questions

Refer to the exhibit.

VMware 2V0-72.22 image Question 41 9854 09162024012619000000

What is the id/name of the declared bean in this Java configuration class? (Choose the best answer.)

clientServiceImpl (starting with lowercase “c”)
clientServiceImpl (starting with lowercase “c”)
clientServiceImpl (starting with uppercase “C”)
clientServiceImpl (starting with uppercase “C”)
clientService (starting with lowercase “c”)
clientService (starting with lowercase “c”)
ClientService (starting with uppercase “C”)
ClientService (starting with uppercase “C”)
Suggested answer: C

This is true because the id/name of a bean declared by the @Bean annotation is derived from the name of the method that returns the bean. In this case, the method name is clientService, so the bean name will be clientService as well. By default, Spring uses a lower-case first letter for bean names, unless explicitly specified otherwise by using the name attribute of the @Bean annotation. For example, we can use @Bean(name = ''ClientService'') to change the bean name to ClientService (starting with uppercase ''C'').

asked 16/09/2024
Blavier Arnaud
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Which three dependencies are provided by the spring-boot-starter-test? (Choose three.)

Suggested answer: B, D, E

Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-testing

asked 16/09/2024
mahdis khaledi
50 questions

Which two statements are true regarding a Spring Boot-based Spring MVC application? (Choose two.)

The default embedded servlet container can be replaced with Undertow.
The default embedded servlet container can be replaced with Undertow.
Jetty is the default servlet container.
Jetty is the default servlet container.
Spring Boot starts up an embedded servlet container by default.
Spring Boot starts up an embedded servlet container by default.
The default port of the embedded servlet container is 8088.
The default port of the embedded servlet container is 8088.
Spring MVC starts up an in-memory database by default.
Spring MVC starts up an in-memory database by default.
Suggested answer: A, C

Spring Boot provides a convenient way to create Spring MVC applications with minimal configuration. By default, it uses Tomcat as the embedded servlet container, but it also supports other containers such as Jetty and Undertow. To use a different container, we just need to exclude the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency and include the corresponding starter for the desired container

asked 16/09/2024
Vijayakumar Dhandapani
45 questions

Refer to the exhibit.

VMware 2V0-72.22 image Question 45 9858 09162024012619000000

How can a response status code be set for No Content (204)? (Choose the best answer.)

Annotate the update() handler method with @PutMapping(“/store/orders/{id”}”,HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).
Annotate the update() handler method with @PutMapping(“/store/orders/{id”}”,HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).
Annotate the update() handler method with @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).
Annotate the update() handler method with @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).
Annotate the update() handler method with @ResponseEntity(204).
Annotate the update() handler method with @ResponseEntity(204).
The update() handler method cannot return a void type, it must return a ResponseEntity type.
The update() handler method cannot return a void type, it must return a ResponseEntity type.
Suggested answer: B

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55691288/is-this-the-correct-way-to-return-204-nocontent-using-spring

asked 16/09/2024
Osman Rana
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Which two statements about pointcut expressions are true? (Choose two.)

A pointcut expression cannot specify the type of parameters.
A pointcut expression cannot specify the type of parameters.
A pointcut expression will throw an exception if no methods are matched.
A pointcut expression will throw an exception if no methods are matched.
A pointcut expression cannot have a wildcard for a method name.
A pointcut expression cannot have a wildcard for a method name.
A pointcut expression can include operators such as the following: && (and), || (or), ! (not).
A pointcut expression can include operators such as the following: && (and), || (or), ! (not).
A pointcut expression can be used to select join points which have been annotated with a specific annotation.
A pointcut expression can be used to select join points which have been annotated with a specific annotation.
Suggested answer: D, E

Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-aop-pointcut-tutorial

asked 16/09/2024
Patrick Cheung
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