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300-300: LPIC-3: Mixed Environments - Exam 300 - Version 3.0



Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes
This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

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Which Samba utility, when launched with the appropriate parameters, generates the following output?

^^img src="LPI 300-300 Online Practice Test (6_4_2024 5_42_04 PM)_images/4.png"^!^

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What service name must be added to a database entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf to include SSSD as a source of information? (Specify ONLY the service name without any parameters.)

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Given a proper network and name resolution setup, which of the following commands establishes a trust between a FreeIPA domain and an Active Directory domain?

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How is the Global Catalog of an Active Directory domain accessed?

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When logging into a windows workstation which is member of an Active Directory domain, which of the following user names refers to the local account bob instead of the domain-wide account bob?

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Suggested answer: C
asked 18/09/2024
Russo, Anna
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Which of the following commands terminates all running instances of the Samba daemon handling for SMB shares?

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smbcontrol samba shutdown
smbcontrol samba shutdown
smbcontrol nmbd shutdown
smbcontrol nmbd shutdown
smbcontrol shutdown
smbcontrol shutdown
smbcontrol smbd shutdown
smbcontrol smbd shutdown
smbcontrol cifs stop
smbcontrol cifs stop
Suggested answer: D
asked 18/09/2024
Genivaldo Costa
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In order to generate an individual log file for each of the machines connecting to a Samba server, which of the following statements must be used in the Samba configuration file?

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When using rsync to synchronize the SYSVOL share's contents between multiple Samba servers, which of the following precautions should be taken? (Choose three.)

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Synchronize from the domain controller which is the PDC emulator to the other domain controllers.
Synchronize from the domain controller which is the PDC emulator to the other domain controllers.
Overwrite the permissions of all files in the SYSVOL directory to be readable by root only after each sync.
Overwrite the permissions of all files in the SYSVOL directory to be readable by root only after each sync.
Make the SYSVOL share read only on all domain controllers but the one used as synchronization source.
Make the SYSVOL share read only on all domain controllers but the one used as synchronization source.
Make sure that the SYSVOL share is active on only one domain controller.
Make sure that the SYSVOL share is active on only one domain controller.
Make sure to make all changes to GPOs on the domain controller which is the replication source.
Make sure to make all changes to GPOs on the domain controller which is the replication source.
Suggested answer: A, C, E
asked 18/09/2024
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Which sub command of net groups commands related to an AD membership, as in the following example? (Specify ONLY the subcommand without any path or parameters.)

net ___ join

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Suggested answer: A
asked 18/09/2024
Amardeep Kumar
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