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VMware 5V0-22.21 Practice Test 3

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An administrator has deployed a dedicated VMware vSAN 7.0 U1 cluster that will be used to provide developers with access to an environment that is running VMware with Tanzu workloads only.

Which vSAN feature should be configured for vSAN Data Persistence platform (vDPp)?

vSAN Cloud Native Storage
vSAN Cloud Native Storage
vSAN with Shared Nothing Architecture (SNA)
vSAN with Shared Nothing Architecture (SNA)
vSAN Direct
vSAN Direct
vSAN File Services
vSAN File Services
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Suggested answer: B

According to the VMware official documentation, vSAN with SNA is the recommended configuration for the vSAN Data Persistence platform (vDPp). This configuration provides support for high availability [1], scalability, and enterprise-grade security. With SNA, the entire vSAN cluster is connected over a single high-speed network, and each node has direct access to the shared storage.

This ensures that workloads are balanced across the cluster, which in turn improves performance and reliability. Additionally, SNA ensures that storage is accessible to all nodes in the cluster, eliminating the need for any centralized storage controllers.


1. Using vSAN Data Persistence Platform with Modern Stateful Services


asked 16/09/2024
martin lopez
37 questions