Create a tag property
In this lesson, you will create your first tag property.
A property is basically a container that you fill with extensions, rules, data elements, and libraries as you deploy tags to your site.
In order to complete the next few lessons, you must have permission to Develop, Approve, Publish, Manage Extensions, and Manage Environments in tags. If you are unable to complete any of these steps because the user interface options are not available to you, reach out to your Experience Cloud Administrator to request access. For more information on tag user permissions, see the documentation.
Adobe Experience Platform Launch is being integrated into Adobe Experience Platform as a suite of data collection technologies. Several terminology changes have rolled out in the interface which you should be aware of while using this content:
Platform Launch (Client Side) is now tags
Platform Launch Server Side is now event forwarding
Edge configurations are now datastreams
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Log into the Data Collection user interface
Create a new tag property
Configure a tag property
Go to the Data Collection interface
To get to Data Collection
Log into the Adobe Experience Cloud
Click the icon to open the app switcher
Select Launch/Data Collection from the menu
You should now see the Tags Properties screen (if no properties have ever been created in the account, this screen might be empty):
Create a Property
A property is basically a container that you fill with extensions, rules, data elements, and libraries as you deploy tags to your site. A property can be any grouping of one or more domains and subdomains. You can manage and track these assets similarly. For example, suppose that you have multiple websites based on one template, and you want to track the same assets on all of them. You can apply one property to multiple domains. For more information on creating properties, see “Companies and Properties” in the product documentation.
To Create a Property
Click the New Property button:
Name your property (e.g. Luma Tutorial or Luma Tutorial - Daniel)
As the domain, enter since this is the domain where the Luma demo site is hosted. Although the “Domain” field is required, the tag property will work on any domain where it’s implemented. The main purpose of this field is to pre-populate menu options in the Rule builder.
Expand the Advanced Options section and check the box to Run rule components in sequence
Click the Save button
Your new property should display on the Properties page. Note that if you check the box next to the property name, options to Configure or Delete the property appear above the property list. Click on the name of your property (e.g. Luma Tutorial) to open the Overview screen.
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