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Adobe AD0-E718 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 3

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Question 21

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An existing Adobe Commerce website is moving to a headless implementation.

The existing website features an "All Brands" page, as well as individual pages for each brand. All brand-related pages are cached in Varnish using tags in the same manner as products and categories.

Two new GraphQL queries have been created to make this information available to the frontend for the new headless implementation:

During testing, the queries sometimes return out-of-date information.

How should this problem be solved while maintaining performance?

Each GraphQL query's resolver class should inject MagentoGraphQICacheModelCacheableQuery and call setCacheValidity (true) on it as part of the resolver's rescive function
Each GraphQL query's resolver class should inject MagentoGraphQICacheModelCacheableQuery and call setCacheValidity (true) on it as part of the resolver's rescive function
Specify a @cache (cacheable: false directive for each GraphQL query, making sure that the data returned is not cached, and is up to date
Specify a @cache (cacheable: false directive for each GraphQL query, making sure that the data returned is not cached, and is up to date
Specify a @cache (cacheIdentity: path\\T\\identityClass) directive for each GraphQL query, corresponding to a class that adds cache tags for relevant brands and associated products
Specify a @cache (cacheIdentity: path\\T\\identityClass) directive for each GraphQL query, corresponding to a class that adds cache tags for relevant brands and associated products
Suggested answer: C

This option would allow caching GraphQL query results using Varnish or Fastly with proper invalidation and differentiation mechanisms.

asked 02/10/2024
Chris Morris
44 questions

Question 22

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An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to scope a bespoke news section for a merchant's Adobe Commerce storefront. The merchant's SEO agency requests that the following URL structure: news/{date}/{article_url_key}l where {date} is the publication date of the article, and {article_url_key} is the URL key of the article.

The Architect scopes that a news entity type will be created. The date and URL key data will be stored against each record and autogenerated on save. The values will be able to be manually overridden.

The Architect needs to manage routing this functionality and adhere to best practice.

Which two options should the Architect consider to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

Create a standard controller route and an Index/Index index controller class that loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create a standard controller route and an Index/Index index controller class that loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create an observer that listens to the controllers_front_send_response_before event, looks for the mm portion of the URL, and If it matches, loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create an observer that listens to the controllers_front_send_response_before event, looks for the mm portion of the URL, and If it matches, loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create a plugin that intercepts lu^jentoXFraBeworkUppXActien::executed, looks for the news portion of the URL and if it matches, loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create a plugin that intercepts lu^jentoXFraBeworkUppXActien::executed, looks for the news portion of the URL and if it matches, loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.
Create a standard controller route and mapping the internal URLs (such as news/article/view/id/1) to rewrites that are generated on save and then stored in the URL rewrites table.
Create a standard controller route and mapping the internal URLs (such as news/article/view/id/1) to rewrites that are generated on save and then stored in the URL rewrites table.
Create a custom router that runs before the standard router and matches the news portion of the URL. then looks for and loads a news article by matching the date and URL key parts of the URL.
Create a custom router that runs before the standard router and matches the news portion of the URL. then looks for and loads a news article by matching the date and URL key parts of the URL.
Suggested answer: A, E

Creating a routes.xml file to declare a custom route ID and front name Creating a Router.php file to define the custom router class that extends Magento\Framework\App\Router\Base

Creating an etc/di.xml file to register the custom router class with a specific sortOrder

Creating controller classes and action methods to handle the requests

Based on these steps, I would say that two possible options that the Architect should consider to meet these requirements are:

1. Create a standard controller route and an Index/Index index controller class that loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.

2. Create a custom router that runs before the standard router and matches the news portion of the URL, then looks for and loads a news article by matching the date and URL key parts of the URL.

asked 02/10/2024
Maritza Van Der Merwe
48 questions

Question 23

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An Adobe Commerce Architect is working on a sales campaign to present a new product on the site that allows the purchase of a pre-defined set of products with a discount. Each product in the set should have a separate stock and tax class.

One requirement is to use a third-party system to build reports with REST API to fetch the following data:


• Qty

• Original price

• Sales price

• Tax amount

Which solution should the Architect use to meet these requirements?

• Create Fixed Bundle Product for gathering simple products;• Manage price for every selected option;• Add extension attribute original_simple_price for\Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderItemExtensionInterface and populate value with price of simple product;
• Create Fixed Bundle Product for gathering simple products;• Manage price for every selected option;• Add extension attribute original_simple_price for\Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderItemExtensionInterface and populate value with price of simple product;
• Create Dynamic Bundle Product for gathering simple products;• Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices for bundle products on time for the campaign;• Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;
• Create Dynamic Bundle Product for gathering simple products;• Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices for bundle products on time for the campaign;• Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;
• Create Grouped Product and Create after plugin on\Magento\GroupedProduct\Model\Product\Type\Grouped:preparedForCarrAdvanced for bunch products ordering;• Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices on time for the campaign for simple products;• Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;
• Create Grouped Product and Create after plugin on\Magento\GroupedProduct\Model\Product\Type\Grouped:preparedForCarrAdvanced for bunch products ordering;• Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices on time for the campaign for simple products;• Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API;
Suggested answer: B

A bundle product is a customizable product that consists of several options, each based on a simple or virtual product. A grouped product is a collection of simple products that are presented as a group.

According to some tutorials , creating a bundle product in Adobe Commerce involves several steps, such as:

Choosing the bundle product template and attribute set

Completing the required settings, such as name, SKU, price, and weight

Configuring the basic settings, such as status, visibility, and categories

Adding the bundle options and associated products

Adding optional product information, such as images and meta data

Posting the product

Content staging is a feature that allows creating, previewing, and scheduling content updates for your store directly from the Admin . You can use content staging to create campaigns that include changes to products, categories, pages, blocks, widgets, price rules, and more.

Based on these steps and features, I would say that one possible solution that the Architect should use to meet these requirements is:

B. Create Dynamic Bundle Product for gathering simple products; Utilize Content Staging to manage special prices for bundle products on time for the campaign; Expose required data via Adobe Commerce Order API; This solution would allow creating a new product that allows the purchase of a pre-defined set of products with a discount. Each product in the set would have a separate stock and tax class. The special prices for bundle products could be managed using content staging. The required data could be exposed via Adobe Commerce Order API.

asked 02/10/2024
Katherine Messick
41 questions

Question 24

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While reviewing a newly developed pull request that refactors multiple custom payment methods, the Architect notices multiple classes that depend on

\Magento\Framework\Encryption\EncryptorInterf ace to decrypt credentials for sensitive dat a. The code that is commonly repeated is as follows:

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In each module, the user_secret config is declared as follows:

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The Architect needs to recommend an optimal solution to avoid redundant dependency and duplicate code among the methods. Which solution should the Architect recommend?

Replace all Vendor\PaymentModule\Gateway\Config\Config Classes With virtualTyp- Of Magento\Payxer.t\Gateway\Conflg\Config and Set <user_secret backend_Model="Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Encrypted" /> under ccnfig.xml
Replace all Vendor\PaymentModule\Gateway\Config\Config Classes With virtualTyp- Of Magento\Payxer.t\Gateway\Conflg\Config and Set <user_secret backend_Model="Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Encrypted" /> under ccnfig.xml
Add a plugin after the getvalue method of $sccpeConfig, remove the $encryptor from dependency and use it in the plugin to decrypt the value if the config name is 'user.secret?
Add a plugin after the getvalue method of $sccpeConfig, remove the $encryptor from dependency and use it in the plugin to decrypt the value if the config name is 'user.secret?
Create a common config service class vendor\Payment\Gateway\config\Config under Vendor.Payment and use it as a parent class for all of the Vender\EaymentModule\Gateway\Config\Config Classes and remove $sccpeConfig and $encryptor dependencies
Create a common config service class vendor\Payment\Gateway\config\Config under Vendor.Payment and use it as a parent class for all of the Vender\EaymentModule\Gateway\Config\Config Classes and remove $sccpeConfig and $encryptor dependencies
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
LAURA Camacho
44 questions

Question 25

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A merchant notices that product price changes do not update on the storefront.

The index management page in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel shows the following:

• All indexes are set to 'update by schedule'

• Their status is 'ready'

• There are no items in the backlog

• The indexes were last updated 1 minute ago

A developer verifies that updating and saving product prices adds the relevant product IDs into the catalog_product_price_cl changelog table.

Which two steps should the Architect recommend to the developer to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)

Invalidate the catalog_product_price indexer in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel so that it is fully reindexed next time the cron runs.
Invalidate the catalog_product_price indexer in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel so that it is fully reindexed next time the cron runs.
Manually reindex the catalog_product_price index from the Command line:bin\magentor indexer:reindex catalog_product_price.
Manually reindex the catalog_product_price index from the Command line:bin\magentor indexer:reindex catalog_product_price.
Make sure that no custom or third-party modules modify the changelog and indexing process.
Make sure that no custom or third-party modules modify the changelog and indexing process.
Make sure that the version_id for the price indexer in the mview_state table is not higher than the last entry for the same column in the changelog table and re-synchronize.
Make sure that the version_id for the price indexer in the mview_state table is not higher than the last entry for the same column in the changelog table and re-synchronize.
Reduce the frequency of the cron job to 5 minutes so the items have more time to process.
Reduce the frequency of the cron job to 5 minutes so the items have more time to process.
Suggested answer: A, B
asked 02/10/2024
Carola Lotito
51 questions

Question 26

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Since the last production deployment, customers can not complete checkout. The error logs show the following message multiple times:

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The Architect finds a deployed feature that should limit delivery for some specific postcodes.

The Architect sees the following code deployed in/webapi_rest \di .xml and etc\frontend\di xml

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Which step should the Architect perform to solve the issue?

Inject an instance of \Magentro\Quote\API\CartRepostoryInterface and receive cart instance via$this->cartRepository->get($this-session->getQucteId())
Inject an instance of \Magentro\Quote\API\CartRepostoryInterface and receive cart instance via$this->cartRepository->get($this-session->getQucteId())
Replace the injected dependency\Magento\Checkout\Model\Session\With\Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface
Replace the injected dependency\Magento\Checkout\Model\Session\With\Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface
Change 'after' plugin with 'around' plugin. The issue is being caused by calling the result provider code after the code of the original method.
Change 'after' plugin with 'around' plugin. The issue is being caused by calling the result provider code after the code of the original method.
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
48 questions

Question 27

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An Adobe Commerce system is configured to run in a multi-tier architecture that includes:

• A cache server with Varnish installed

• A backend web server with Adobe Commerce installed

• A database server with MySQL installed

When an Adobe Commerce Architect tries to clean the cache from the Store Admin by using the "Flush Magento Cache" in Cache Management, the Full Page Cache does not clear.

Which two steps should the Architect take to make the Full Page Cache work properly? (Choose two.)

Set the backend destination host to the frontend server's address in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Host
Set the backend destination host to the frontend server's address in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Host
Set the backend port destination to the frontend server's Varnish port in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Port
Set the backend port destination to the frontend server's Varnish port in the Store Admin Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Varnish Configuration > Backend Port
Set the cache type to "Varnish Caching" in the Store Admin.Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Caching Application
Set the cache type to "Varnish Caching" in the Store Admin.Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache > Caching Application
Use "Flush Cache Storage" instead of "Flush Magento Cache"
Use "Flush Cache Storage" instead of "Flush Magento Cache"
Set the cache destination host using magento CLI bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cachehosts<cache_server>:<varrnish port>
Set the cache destination host using magento CLI bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cachehosts<cache_server>:<varrnish port>
Suggested answer: A, B
asked 02/10/2024
Colin Huisman
41 questions

Question 28

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Due to a marketing campaign, a website is experiencing a very large number of simultaneously placed orders, which is affecting checkout performance. The website is in the production deploy mode.

Which two website settings can an Architect optimize to decrease the impact on checkout performance? (Choose two.)

Asynchronous indexing admin panel Setting (Stores > Settings > Ccr.f iguraticr. > Advanced > developer > Grid Settings > Asynchronous indexing) can be enabled by executing the following CLI command: tm/magento config:set dev/grid/async_ini*xmg 1
Asynchronous indexing admin panel Setting (Stores > Settings > Ccr.f iguraticr. > Advanced > developer > Grid Settings > Asynchronous indexing) can be enabled by executing the following CLI command: tm/magento config:set dev/grid/async_ini*xmg 1
Multithreaded checkout processing admin panel setting (stores > s ettmgs > Configuration > Sales> Checkout > General Settings > Asynchronous) can be set to a higher value representing the number of PHP threads used exclusively for checkout
Multithreaded checkout processing admin panel setting (stores > s ettmgs > Configuration > Sales> Checkout > General Settings > Asynchronous) can be set to a higher value representing the number of PHP threads used exclusively for checkout
Asynchronous email notifications admin panel Setting (stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails > General Settings > Asynchronous) can be enabled
Asynchronous email notifications admin panel Setting (stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails > General Settings > Asynchronous) can be enabled
A new database can be created and the Split Database feature can be automatically configured with the following command: bin/Magento setup:db-schema:split-sales-sales --host=''<checkout db host or ip>" —dbname="<name>" — username""<checkout db username>'' —password=" <password>"
A new database can be created and the Split Database feature can be automatically configured with the following command: bin/Magento setup:db-schema:split-sales-sales --host=''<checkout db host or ip>" —dbname="<name>" — username""<checkout db username>'' —password=" <password>"
The website deploy mode can be set to si-g- by executing the following CLI command: bin/magento deploy:mode:set siege. Provided that it will be changed back to production as soon as the number of simultaneously placed orders decreases to acceptable levels
The website deploy mode can be set to si-g- by executing the following CLI command: bin/magento deploy:mode:set siege. Provided that it will be changed back to production as soon as the number of simultaneously placed orders decreases to acceptable levels
Suggested answer: A, B

To minimize the impact on checkout performance due to a large number of simultaneously placed orders, an Architect can optimize two website settings: Asynchronous indexing admin panel setting (A) and Multithreaded checkout processing admin panel setting (B). Enabling asynchronous indexing admin panel setting can be done by executing the command tm/magento config:set dev/grid/async_ini*xmg 1, while the multithreaded checkout processing admin panel setting can be set to a higher value representing the number of PHP threads used exclusively for checkout. It is important to note that the website deploy mode should not be set to siege mode and should instead be changed back to production as soon as the number of simultaneously placed orders decreases to acceptable levels.

asked 02/10/2024
40 questions

Question 29

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An Adobe Commerce Architect is reviewing api-functional test code. Some tests send errors to indicate that the customer address does not exist.

The test codes show the following:

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Option A
Option A
Option B
Option B
Option C
Option C
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
Renats Fasulins
45 questions

Question 30

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An Adobe Commerce Architect creates a new functionality called Customs Fee, which adds a new total that applies to additional costs for handling customs clearance expenses. The extension allows specifying fee value for every website separately via the Adobe Commerce Configuration System.

The Architect plans to cover new functionality with integration tests. One test case needs to confirm if the total is calculated correctly on different websites.

How should the Architect make sure that test configuration data is added to test methods according to best practices?

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