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Microsoft AI-102 Practice Test 1

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You have a Video Indexer service that is used to provide a search interface over company videos on your company's website. You need to be able to search for videos based on who is present in the video.

What should you do?

Create a person model and associate the model to the videos.
Create a person model and associate the model to the videos.
Create person objects and provide face images for each object
Create person objects and provide face images for each object
Invite the entire staff of the company to Video Indexer.
Invite the entire staff of the company to Video Indexer.
Edit the faces in the videos.
Edit the faces in the videos.
Upload names to a language model.
Upload names to a language model.
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Suggested answer: A

Video Indexer supports multiple Person models per account. Once a model is created, you can use it by providing the model ID of a specific Person model when uploading/indexing or reindexing a video. Training a newfacefor a video updates the specific custom model that the video was associated with.

Note: Video Indexer supports face detection and celebrity recognition for video content. The celebrity recognition feature covers about one million faces based on commonly requested data source such as IMDB, Wikipedia, and top Linkedln influencers. Faces that aren't recognized by the celebrity recognition feature are detected but left unnamed. Once you label a face with a name, the face and name get added to your account's Person model. Video Indexer will then recognize this face in your future videos and past videos.


https://docs. mi crosoft. com/en-us/azu re/med ia -servi ces/vi deo-i ndexer/customize-pers on-mo del-with-api

asked 26/09/2024
Andrey Scherbakov
43 questions