ServiceNow CAD Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 2
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Question 11

Which one of the following is NOT a UI Action type?
Question 12

Which of the following is NOT supported by Flow Designer?
Flow Designer is a graphical tool that allows users to automate processes in ServiceNow without coding. The following are supported by Flow Designer:
Call a subflow from a flow. This is a feature that allows users to invoke a subflow, which is a reusable unit of logic, from a flow. This can help simplify complex flows and avoid duplication of logic.
Use Delegated Developer. This is a feature that allows administrators to delegate the development and maintenance of flows and actions to users who are not administrators. This can help distribute the workload and empower non-admin users to create automations.
Run a flow from a MetricBase Trigger. This is a feature that allows users to trigger a flow based on a MetricBase query, which is a way of analyzing time-series data in ServiceNow. This can help automate actions based on data trends and patterns.
The following is not supported by Flow Designer:
Test a flow with rollback. This is not a feature of Flow Designer, but of Automated Test Framework (ATF), which is a tool that allows users to create and run automated tests on ServiceNow applications and features. ATF supports testing flows with rollback, which means reverting any changes made by the flow during the test execution.References:Flow Designer, Automated Test Framework
Question 13

Which of the following are true for reports in ServiceNow? (Choose three.)
Explanation: Generate and distribute scheduled reports via email.
A report is a graphical representation of data from one or more tables in ServiceNow. The following are true for reports in ServiceNow:
Can be a graphical representation of data. This is true because reports can use various chart types, such as pie, bar, line, or gauge, to visualize data in a meaningful way.
Can be run on demand by authorized users. This is true because reports can be accessed from the Reports menu or the Report Navigator and run by users who have the appropriate roles and permissions to view the data.
Can be scheduled to be run and distributed by email. This is true because reports can be configured to run at a specific time and frequency and send the results to one or more email recipients.
The following are not true for reports in ServiceNow:
Any user can see any report shared with them. This is false because users can only see reports that are shared with them if they also have access to the data source of the report. For example, a user who does not have the itil role cannot see a report based on the incident table, even if the report is shared with them.
All users can generate reports on any table. This is false because users can only generate reports on tables that they have access to and that are enabled for reporting. For example, a user who does not have the admin role cannot generate reports on the sys_user table, which is the table for user records.References:Reports, Report Security
Question 14

Modules must have a Link type. Which one of the following is a list of Link types?
A module is a navigation item that provides access to a feature or functionality in ServiceNow. Modules must have a link type, which determines how the module behaves when clicked. The following is a list of link types:
Assessment. This is a link type that opens an assessment, which is a survey or questionnaire that measures the effectiveness of a process or service.
List of Records. This is a link type that opens a list of records from a table or a saved filter.
Separator. This is a link type that creates a horizontal line to separate modules in the application menu.
Timeline Page. This is a link type that opens a timeline page, which is a graphical representation of the duration and sequence of events or tasks.
The following are not link types, but other module attributes or field types:
List of Records, Separator, Catalog Type, Roles. These are not link types, but a combination of a link type (List of Records), a module attribute (Separator), a field type (Catalog Type), and a user attribute (Roles).
List of Records, Content Page, Order, URL (from arguments:). These are not link types, but a combination of a link type (List of Records), a module attribute (Content Page), a field name (Order), and a link type argument (URL).
Assessment, List of Records, Content Page, Roles. These are not link types, but a combination of a link type (Assessment), a link type (List of Records), a module attribute (Content Page), and a user attribute (Roles).References:Modules, Create a Module
Question 15

Which one of the following is true for a table with the ''Allow configuration'' Application Access option selected?
The Allow configuration Application Access option determines whether users can configure the application tables, such as adding or modifying fields, views, or indexes. The following is true for a table with the Allow configuration option selected:
Out of scope applications can create Business Rules for the table. This is true because the Allow configuration option grants access to the table configuration to any user who has the admin or personalize_dictionary role, regardless of the application scope. This means that users can create Business Rules, which are server-side scripts that run when a record is displayed, inserted, updated, or deleted, for the table from any application.
The following are not true for a table with the Allow configuration option selected:
Only the in scope application's scripts can create Business Rules for the table. This is false because the Allow configuration option does not restrict the creation of Business Rules to the in scope application, as explained above.
Any user with the application's user role can modify the application's scripts. This is false because the Allow configuration option does not grant access to the application scripts, such as client scripts or script includes, to any user who has the application's user role. To modify the application scripts, users need to have the admin role or the application's admin role.
Out of scope applications can add new tables to the scoped application. This is false because the Allow configuration option does not allow out of scope applications to add new tables to the scoped application. To add new tables to a scoped application, users need to have the admin role or the application's admin role and be in the application scope.References:Application Access, Business Rules
Question 16

When working in the Form Designer, configuring the label of a field in a child table changes the label on which table(s)?
Configuring the label of a field in a child table changes the label only on that table, not on the base table or the parent table. The base table is the table that contains the common fields for all the extended tables, and the parent table is the table that is directly extended by the child table. The label of a field on the base table or the parent table can be different from the label on the child table. References: [ServiceNow Docs - Table extension], [ServiceNow Community - How to change field label in child table]
Question 17

Which one of the following is true?
Created UI policy on incident form, action set's cmdb_ci field as mandatory and script as not. result, field was not mandatory.
A UI Policy's Actions execute before the UI Policy's Scripts. Actions are predefined operations that can be applied to fields or sections, such as making them mandatory, read-only, visible, or setting a default value. Scripts are custom JavaScript code that can be used to perform more complex logic or validations. Actions are executed first, and then Scripts are executed if the UI Policy conditions are met. References: [ServiceNow Docs - UI policy actions], [ServiceNow Docs - UI policy scripts]
Question 18

Here is the Business Rule script template:
This type of JavaScript function is known as:
Self-invoking. Learn JavaScript!
This type of JavaScript function is known as self-invoking or immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE). It is a function that is defined and executed at the same time, without being assigned to a variable or being called by another function. It is often used to create a local scope for variables and avoid polluting the global namespace. References: [W3Schools - JavaScript Function Definitions], [MDN Web Docs - Immediately-invoked function expressions]
Question 19

Which method call returns true only if the currently logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no other case?
The method call that returns true only if the currently logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no other case is g_user.hasRoleExactly('catalog_admin'). This method checks if the user has exactly one role, and returns true if it matches the argument. The other methods return true if the user has one or more roles, or if the user has any role from a list of arguments. References: [ServiceNow Docs - GlideUser API], [ServiceNow Community - Difference between hasRole() and hasRoleExactly()]
Question 20

There is a basic strategy when creating a Utils Script Include. Identify the step that does not belong.
The step that does not belong when creating a Utils Script Include is identifying the table. A Script Include is a server-side script that can contain one or more classes or functions that can be reused by other scripts. It does not depend on a specific table, but can access any table through GlideRecord or other APIs. The other steps are part of creating a Script Include class and its prototype object. References: [ServiceNow Docs - Script Includes], [ServiceNow Docs - GlideRecord API]