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ServiceNow CAD Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 7

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Question 61


Which of the following is true for the Application Picker and Application Scope?

Selecting application from the Application Picker does not set the Application Scope.
Selecting application from the Application Picker does not set the Application Scope.
Selecting Global in the Application Picker sets the Application Scope to incident
Selecting Global in the Application Picker sets the Application Scope to incident
Global is a reserved application which does not appear in the Application Picker
Global is a reserved application which does not appear in the Application Picker
Selecting an application from the Application Picker sets the Application Scope
Selecting an application from the Application Picker sets the Application Scope
Suggested answer: D


'Application developers must select an application as their current scope context.' https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/tokyo-application-development/page/build/applications/task/t_SelectAnAppFromTheAppPicker.html

asked 23/09/2024
Dina Elizabeth Perez de Paz
42 questions

Question 62


Which of the following is an available feature in Studio?

Choose 2 answers

Push to external source control
Push to external source control
Search branch
Search branch
Merge branches
Merge branches
Push to update set
Push to update set
Suggested answer: A, B


asked 23/09/2024
Vasco Rodrigues
40 questions

Question 63


The task table is an example of which of the following?

Choose 2 answers

Legacy class
Legacy class
Child class
Child class
Base class
Base class
Parent class
Parent class
Suggested answer: C, D


'A table that extends another table is called a child class, and the table it extends is the parent class' - this is about halfway down in this link below: https://docs.servicenow.com/en-US/bundle/tokyo-platform-administration/page/administer/table-administration/concept/table-extension-and-classes.html

asked 23/09/2024
adil benmekki
35 questions

Question 64


Which of the following is true about deleting fields from a table?

Any field on a table can be deleted
Any field on a table can be deleted
User-defined non-inherited fields can be detected
User-defined non-inherited fields can be detected
Inherited fields can be detected
Inherited fields can be detected
Table records are deleted when a field is detected
Table records are deleted when a field is detected
Suggested answer: B


User-defined non-inherited fields can be deleted from a table in ServiceNow. These are fields that are created by users on a specific table and are not inherited from a parent table. Inherited fields cannot be deleted from a table, as they are defined on a parent table and shared by all child tables. Any field on a table cannot be deleted, as some fields are system-defined and essential for the table functionality. Table records are not deleted when a field is deleted, as the field deletion only affects the table structure and not the data.

Reference:Delete fields

asked 23/09/2024
Ragul Ponniah
41 questions

Question 65


Which of the following statements is true about Guided Application Creator?

The global scope option is turned on by default
The global scope option is turned on by default
A scope application user role is automatically created
A scope application user role is automatically created
Default access controls are automatically created
Default access controls are automatically created
The welcome screen appears every time a new application is created
The welcome screen appears every time a new application is created
Suggested answer: D


The welcome screen appears every time a new application is created through the Guided Application Creator. The welcome screen provides an overview of the steps involved in creating an application, such as defining the app name, scope, and tables, configuring the app user interface, and publishing the app. The other options are not true about the Guided Application Creator. The global scope option is turned off by default, as it is recommended to create applications in their own scope for better security and performance. A scope application user role is not automatically created, as the user can choose to create one or use an existing role for the app access control. Default access controls are not automatically created, as the user can define the read, write, create, and delete permissions for each table in the app.

Reference:Guided App Creator

asked 23/09/2024
George Sanchez
38 questions

Question 66


When creating an application through the Guided Application Creator, which of the following is NOT an option for creating a table?

Upload spreadsheet
Upload spreadsheet
Create table from template
Create table from template
Extend a table
Extend a table
Create table from scratch
Create table from scratch
Suggested answer: B


Create table from template is not an option for creating a table through the Guided Application Creator. The other options are available for creating a table in the app. Upload spreadsheet allows you to import data from an Excel file and create a table based on the spreadsheet columns and rows. Extend a table allows you to create a child table that inherits fields and behaviors from a parent table. Create table from scratch allows you to define your own fields and data types for a new table.

Reference:Create tables


asked 23/09/2024
Paul Macinic
30 questions

Question 67


Why would you build a custom app?

To fulfill is specific use case on internal processes.
To fulfill is specific use case on internal processes.
To avoid using a code repository like GiotHub or GitLab
To avoid using a code repository like GiotHub or GitLab
To create a custom integration for a 3rd party system
To create a custom integration for a 3rd party system
To replace servieNow base tables
To replace servieNow base tables
Suggested answer: A, C


asked 23/09/2024
gregory damon
39 questions

Question 68


What are the ways to designate data tables when Guided Application Creator (GAC)?

Choose 3 answers

Upload an existing PDF
Upload an existing PDF
Create a new table on the platform
Create a new table on the platform
Use an existing table on the platform
Use an existing table on the platform
Upload an existing spreadsheet
Upload an existing spreadsheet
Upload an existing word processing document.
Upload an existing word processing document.
Use a freeform database
Use a freeform database
Suggested answer: A, B, D


The Guided Application Creator (GAC) is a tool that helps you create applications on the ServiceNow platform by guiding you through the steps of defining the data model, user interface, and logic. When using the GAC, you can designate data tables in three ways:

Upload an existing PDF: You can upload a PDF file that contains the table schema and sample data. The GAC will parse the PDF and create the table and fields based on the file content.

Create a new table on the platform: You can create a new table on the platform by specifying the table name, label, and description. You can also add fields, indexes, and relationships to the table using the GAC.

Upload an existing spreadsheet: You can upload a spreadsheet file that contains the table schema and sample data. The GAC will parse the spreadsheet and create the table and fields based on the file content.

The other options are not valid ways to designate data tables when using the GAC. You cannot upload an existing word processing document or use a freeform database. You can use an existing table on the platform, but you cannot designate it as a data table. You can only use it as a reference table for lookup fields.


Guided Application Creator

Create a table from a PDF or spreadsheet

Create a table from scratch

asked 23/09/2024
Juan Gonzalez
37 questions

Question 69


When a selecting a data type for a field that will be displayed on a form, which of the following statements is NOT correct?

Use the Choice data type to limit options in a field
Use the Choice data type to limit options in a field
Use the Data data type to enter the date and time of day.
Use the Data data type to enter the date and time of day.
Use the Phone Number data type to automate phone number data validation.
Use the Phone Number data type to automate phone number data validation.
Use the string data type for a free-form text field.
Use the string data type for a free-form text field.
Suggested answer: C


The data type of a field determines the format, validation, and display of the field value on a form. When selecting a data type for a field, you should consider the purpose and function of the field. The statements A, C, and D are correct for selecting a data type for a field. For example:

Use the Choice data type to limit options in a field: The Choice data type allows you to create a field that has a predefined set of options for the user to select from. The options can be displayed as a drop-down list, radio buttons, or checkboxes. For example, you can use the Choice data type for a field that indicates the priority of a task.

Use the Phone Number data type to automate phone number data validation: The Phone Number data type allows you to create a field that accepts and validates phone numbers. The field will automatically format the phone number according to the user's locale and country code. For example, you can use the Phone Number data type for a field that stores the contact number of a user.

Use the string data type for a free-form text field: The string data type allows you to create a field that accepts any text input from the user. The field can have a maximum length of 255 characters. For example, you can use the string data type for a field that captures the short description of an incident.

The statement B is not correct for selecting a data type for a field. There is no Data data type in ServiceNow. To enter the date and time of day, you should use the Date/Time data type. The Date/Time data type allows you to create a field that accepts and displays a date and time value. The field will use a calendar widget and a time picker to help the user enter the value. For example, you can use the Date/Time data type for a field that records the due date of a task.


[Field types]

[Date/Time field type]

asked 23/09/2024
Anupam Roy
45 questions

Question 70


Which one of the following is NOT part of the Form Designer?

Form layout
Form layout
Page header
Page header
Schema map
Schema map
Field navigator
Field navigator
Suggested answer: C



The Form Designer is a tool that allows you to create and customize forms on the ServiceNow platform. The Form Designer has four main components:

Form layout: The form layout shows the preview of the form and allows you to drag and drop fields, sections, and related lists onto the form. You can also resize, reorder, and delete the elements on the form layout.

Page header: The page header shows the name of the table and the form that you are editing. You can also access the form properties, save the form, and switch to the form view from the page header.

Field navigator: The field navigator shows the list of available fields for the table and allows you to search, filter, and add fields to the form. You can also create new fields and edit existing fields from the field navigator.

Schema map: The schema map is not part of the Form Designer. The schema map is a separate tool that shows the relationships between tables and fields on the platform. You can access the schema map from the System Definition > Tables module or from the context menu of a table.


[Form Designer]

[Schema map]

asked 23/09/2024
Vicky Mukhy
31 questions
Total 209 questions
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