Blockchain CBDH Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 2
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Question 11
What type of organization can be thought of as a corporation run without any human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules?
Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) can be thought of as a corporation run without any human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules. A DAO can also be seen as the most complex form of a smart contract, where the bylaws of the decentralized organization are embedded into the code of the smart contract, using complex token governance rules.
Question 12
Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric is a decentralized transactional program which is running on the validating nodes. Chaincode implements the Chaincode interface in particular, Init and Invoke functions.
Which two statements about Chaincode is correct? (Select two.)
Chaincode is a decentralized transactional program, running on the validating nodes. As with every chaincode, it implements the Chaincode interface in particular, Init and Invoke functions. Init is called during Instantiate transaction after the chaincode container has been established for the first time, allowing the chaincode to initialize its internal data. Invoke is called to update or query the ledger in a proposal transaction. Updated state variables are not committed to the ledger until the transaction is committed.
Question 13
Blockchain solutions are comprised of four building blocks. Which of the following answers list the building blocks?
Question 14
An_____________ is defined as a communication node that is responsible for the distribution of blockchain transactions in Hyperledger Fabric.
Orderer Ordering services handles the main function of the Hyperledger Fabric to maintain consistency in the transactions processes. Ordering services provides a shared communication to clients and peers and helps in broadcasting the messages containing transactions.
Question 15
The ledger system in Hyperledger Fabric uses what
database by default?
The ledger system in Hyperledger fabric uses levelDB. By definition, LevelDB allows concurrent writers to safely insert data into the database by providing internal synchronization. LevelDB uses very coarse-grained synchronization which forces all writes to proceed in an ordered, first-come-first-served basis, effectively reduces throughput to a single thread. State database options include LevelDB and CouchDB. LevelDB is the default key-value state database embedded in the peer process. CouchDB is an optional alternative external state database. Like the LevelDB key-value store, CouchDB can store any binary data that is modeled in chaincode (CouchDB attachment functionality is used internally for non- JSON binary data). But as a JSON document store, CouchDB additionally enables rich query against the chaincode data, when chaincode values (e.g. assets) are modeled as JSON data
Question 16
Which of the following is a role in Fabric that has permission to create transactions and query network data?
Question 17
Hyperledger is an open source project that came out of the ___________________________. It was created in order to help advance _____________________________blockchain technologies. It's a global open source collaboration involving leaders from numerous industries.
Hyperledger is an open source project that came out of the LF and was created in order to help advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It's a global open source collaboration involving leaders from numerous industries.
Question 18
A transaction in Hyperledger Fabric is a request to the blockchain to execute a function on the ledger.
By what the function is implemented?
Chaincode is programmatic logic. A transaction is a request to the blockchain to execute a function on the ledger. The function is implemented by a chaincode. Aka smart contracts
Question 19
When your developing with Fabric Composer which of the following is true?
Hyperledger Composer is an open-source application development framework which simplifies the creation of Hyperledger Fabric blockchain applications, thus reducing the time and complexity of development. The tool aims at helping users to create blockchain applications based on Hyperledger Fabric without needing to know the low-level (Go Programming) details involved in blockchain networks.
Question 20
Chaincode Services uses Docker to host (deploy) the chaincode without relying on any virtual machine or computer language. What would be the main reason or best reason that Hyperledger chose containers over virtual machines?
Docker provides a secured, lightweight method to sandbox chaincode execution that is "locked down" Chaincode Services uses Docker to host (deploy) the chaincode without relying on any virtual machine or computer language. Docker provides a secured, lightweight method to sandbox chaincode execution. The environment is a "locked down" and secured container, along with a set of signed base images containing secure OS and chaincode language, runtime and SDK images for Golang Additional programming languages can be enabled