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COF-C02: SnowPro Core Certification

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
18 Quizzes
This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

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How can the outer array structure of a semi-structured file be removed?

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While preparing to unload data in Snowflake, the file format option can be specified in which commands? (Select TWO).

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How can a data provider validate that a secure view is configured to display only the data the provider wishes to expose?

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What are characteristics of the ownership privilege when it is granted on a regular Snowflake schema? (Select TWO).

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A query containing a WHERE clause is running longer than expected. The Query Profile shows that all micro-partitions being scanned How should this query be optimized?

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During periods of warehouse contention which parameter controls the maximum length of time a warehouse will hold a query for processing?

Suggested answer: B

The parameterSTATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDSsets the limit for a query to wait in the queue in order to get its chance of running on the warehouse. The query will quit after reaching this limit. By default, the value of this parameter is 0 which mean the queries will wait indefinitely in the waiting queue


asked 23/09/2024
41 questions

How does the search optimization service improve query performance?

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What is a key feature of Snowflake architecture?

Zero-copy cloning creates a mirror copy of a database that updates with the original
Zero-copy cloning creates a mirror copy of a database that updates with the original
Software updates are automatically applied on a quarterly basis
Software updates are automatically applied on a quarterly basis
Snowflake eliminates resource contention with its virtual warehouse implementation
Snowflake eliminates resource contention with its virtual warehouse implementation
Multi-cluster warehouses allow users to run a query that spans across multiple clusters
Multi-cluster warehouses allow users to run a query that spans across multiple clusters
Snowflake automatically sorts DATE columns during ingest for fast retrieval by date
Snowflake automatically sorts DATE columns during ingest for fast retrieval by date
Suggested answer: C

One of the key features of Snowflake's architecture is its unique approach to eliminating resource contention through the use of virtual warehouses. This is achieved by separating storage and compute resources, allowing multiple virtual warehouses to operate independently on the same data without affecting each other. This means that different workloads, such as loading data, running queries, or performing complex analytics, can be processed simultaneously without any performance degradation due to resource contention.


Snowflake Documentation on Virtual Warehouses

SnowPro Core Certification Study Guide

asked 23/09/2024
Francesco Pignalosa
42 questions

Which Snowflake object enables loading data from files as soon as they are available in a cloud storage location?

External stage
External stage
Suggested answer: A

In Snowflake, aPipeis the object designed to enable the continuous, near-real-time loading of data from files as soon as they are available in a cloud storage location. Pipes use Snowflake'sCOPYcommand to load data and can be associated with aStageobject to monitor for new files. When new data files appear in the stage, the pipe automatically loads the data into the target table.


Snowflake Documentation on Pipes

SnowPro Core Certification Study Guide


asked 23/09/2024
Adetutu Ogunsowo
49 questions

Which of the following indicates that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table? (Select TWO).

The table contains a column that has very low cardinality
The table contains a column that has very low cardinality
DML statements that are being issued against the table are blocked
DML statements that are being issued against the table are blocked
The table has a small number of micro-partitions
The table has a small number of micro-partitions
Queries on the table are running slower than expected
Queries on the table are running slower than expected
The clustering depth for the table is large
The clustering depth for the table is large
Suggested answer: D, E

A clustering key in Snowflake is used to co-locate similar data within the same micro-partitions to improve query performance, especially for large tables where data is not naturally ordered or has become fragmented due to extensive DML operations. The appropriate use of a clustering key can lead to improved scan efficiency and better column compression, resulting in faster query execution times.

The indicators that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table include:

D . Queries on the table are running slower than expected: This can happen when the data in the table is not well-clustered, leading to inefficient scans during query execution.

E . The clustering depth for the table is large: A large clustering depth indicates that the table's data is spread across many micro-partitions, which can degrade query performance as more data needs to be scanned.


Snowflake Documentation on Clustering Keys & Clustered Tables


Stack Overflow discussion on cluster key selection in Snowflake

asked 23/09/2024
Novka Mandic
38 questions