COF-R02: SnowPro Core Recertification
Related questions
A materialized view should be created when which of the following occurs? (Choose two.)
What is the default character set used when loading CSV files into Snowflake?
For delimited files (CSV, TSV, etc.), the default character set is UTF-8. To use any other characters sets, you must explicitly specify the encoding to use for loading. For the list of supported character sets, see Supported Character Sets for Delimited Files (in this topic).
Which query profile statistics help determine if efficient pruning is occurring? (Choose two.)
A virtual warehouse's auto-suspend and auto-resume settings apply to which of the following?
Which of the following terms best describes Snowflake’s database architecture?
Built from the ground up for the cloud, Snowflake’s unique multi-cluster shared data architecture delivers the performance, scale, elasticity, and concurrency today’s organizations require.
Which privilege is required for a role to be able to resume a suspended warehouse if auto-resume is not enabled?
What is the maximum total Continuous Data Protection (CDP) charges incurred for a temporary table?
Which of the following are best practices for loading data into Snowflake? (Choose three.)
A company's security audit requires generating a report listing all Snowflake logins (e.g.. date and user) within the last 90 days. Which of the following statements will return the required information?
What are the three layers that make up Snowflake’s architecture?
Choose 3 answer