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Huawei H12-711 Practice Test 8

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ASPF (Application specific Packet Filter)It is a packet filtering technology based on the application layer, andserver-mapTables implement special security mechanisms. aboutASPFandservermapWhich of the following statements is correct? (multiple choice)

ASPFMonitor messages during communication
ASPFMonitor messages during communication
ASPFcan be created dynamicallyserver-map
ASPFcan be created dynamicallyserver-map
ASPFpass throughserver-mapTable implementation dynamically allows multi-channel protocol data to pass through
ASPFpass throughserver-mapTable implementation dynamically allows multi-channel protocol data to pass through
Quintupleserver-mapThe table entry implements a similar function to the session table
Quintupleserver-mapThe table entry implements a similar function to the session table
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Suggested answer: A, B, C
asked 18/09/2024
justin staley
39 questions