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Huawei H12-724 Practice Test 6

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About in WLAN User isolation technology is used in the networking environment. Which of the following statements is wrong?

User isolation between groups means that users in different groups cannot communicate, but internal users in the same group can communicate
User isolation between groups means that users in different groups cannot communicate, but internal users in the same group can communicate
Isolation within a user group means that users within the same group cannot communicate with each other.
Isolation within a user group means that users within the same group cannot communicate with each other.
The user isolation function is related to the same AP Layer 2 packets between all wireless users on the Internet cannot be forwarded to each other
The user isolation function is related to the same AP Layer 2 packets between all wireless users on the Internet cannot be forwarded to each other
Intra-group isolation and inter-group isolation cannot be used at the same time
Intra-group isolation and inter-group isolation cannot be used at the same time
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Suggested answer: D
asked 18/09/2024
Xiaoyi Wu
45 questions