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Huawei H13-629 Practice Test 2

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If you need to automate the DR protection of an Oracle database in Replication Director, the configuration flow is:

Create a site discovery store, find the host registration store, register the host to create a protection policy.
Create a site discovery store, find the host registration store, register the host to create a protection policy.
Discovery Store, Discovery Host Registration Store, Register Host Create Site Registration Store Create Protection Group Create Protection Policy.
Discovery Store, Discovery Host Registration Store, Register Host Create Site Registration Store Create Protection Group Create Protection Policy.
Found storage, found that the host to create a site registration store, register the host to create a protection group to create a protection strategy.
Found storage, found that the host to create a site registration store, register the host to create a protection group to create a protection strategy.
Create a site registration store, register the host to create a protection group to create a protection policy.
Create a site registration store, register the host to create a protection group to create a protection policy.
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Suggested answer: C
asked 18/09/2024
Zachary Janssen
39 questions