HashiCorp Vault Associate 002 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 4
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Question 31
Your organization has an initiative to reduce and ultimately remove the use of long lived X.509 certificates. Which secrets engine will best support this use case?
The PKI secrets engine is designed to support the use case of reducing and ultimately removing the use of long lived X.509 certificates. The PKI secrets engine can generate dynamic X.509 certificates on demand, with short time-to-live (TTL) and automatic revocation. This eliminates the need for manual processes of generating, signing, and rotating certificates, and reduces the risk of certificate compromise or misuse. The PKI secrets engine can also act as a certificate authority (CA) or an intermediate CA, and can integrate with external CAs or CRLs.The PKI secrets engine can issue certificates for various purposes, such as TLS, SSH, code signing, email encryption, etc.Reference: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/secrets/pki1, https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-dynamic-secrets
Question 32
When unsealing Vault, each Shamir unseal key should be entered:
When unsealing Vault, each Shamir unseal key should be entered by different administrators each connecting from different computers. This is because the Shamir unseal keys are split into shares that are distributed to trusted operators, and no single operator should have access to more than one share. This way, the unseal process requires the cooperation of a quorum of key holders, and enhances the security and availability of Vault. The unseal keys can be entered via multiple mechanisms from multiple client machines, and the process is stateful. The order of the keys does not matter, as long as the threshold number of keys is reached. The unseal keys should not be entered at the command line in one single command, as this would expose them to the history and compromise the security.The unseal keys should not be encrypted with each administrator's PGP key, as this would prevent Vault from decrypting them and reconstructing the master key.Reference: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/concepts/seal3, https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/commands/operator/unseal
Question 33
As a best practice, the root token should be stored in which of the following ways?
The root token is the initial token created when initializing Vault. It has unlimited privileges and can perform any operation in Vault. As a best practice, the root token should be revoked and never stored after initial setup. This is because the root token is a single point of failure and a potential security risk if it is compromised or leaked. Instead of using the root token, Vault operators should create other tokens with appropriate policies and roles that allow them to perform their tasks. If a new root token is needed in an emergency, the vault operator generate-root command can be used to create one on-the-fly with the consent of a quorum of unseal key holders.Reference:Tokens | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,Generate root tokens using unseal keys | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
Question 34
When creating a policy, an error was thrown:
Which statement describes the fix for this issue?
The error was thrown because the policy code contains an invalid capability, ''write''. The valid capabilities for a policy are ''create'', ''read'', ''update'', ''delete'', ''list'', and ''sudo''. The ''write'' capability is not recognized by Vault and should be replaced with ''create'', which allows creating new secrets or overwriting existing ones. The other statements are not correct, because the wildcard (*) and the sudo capability are both valid in a policy. The wildcard matches any number of characters within a path segment, and the sudo capability allows performing certain operations that require root privileges.
[Policy Syntax | Vault | HashiCorp Developer]
[Policy Syntax | Vault | HashiCorp Developer]
Question 35
Where can you set the Vault seal configuration? Choose two correct answers.
The Vault seal configuration can be set in two ways: through the Vault configuration file or through environment variables. The Vault configuration file is a text file that contains the settings and options for Vault, such as the storage backend, the listener, the telemetry, and the seal. The seal stanza in the configuration file specifies the seal type and the parameters to use for additional data protection, such as using HSM or Cloud KMS solutions to encrypt and decrypt the root key. The seal configuration can also be set through environment variables, which will take precedence over the values in the configuration file. The environment variables are prefixed with VAULT_SEAL_ and followed by the seal type and the parameter name. For example, VAULT_SEAL_AWSKMS_REGION sets the region for the AWS KMS seal.Reference:Seals - Configuration | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,Environment Variables | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
Question 36
Which of the following vault lease operations uses a lease _ id as an argument? Choose two correct answers.
The vault lease operations that use a lease_id as an argument are renew and revoke. The renew operation allows a client to extend the validity of a lease associated with a secret or a token. The revoke operation allows a client to terminate a lease immediately and invalidate the secret or the token. Both operations require a lease_id as an argument to identify the lease to be renewed or revoked. The lease_id can be obtained from the response of reading a secret or creating a token, or from the vault lease list command. The other operations, revoke-prefix, create, and describe, do not use a lease_id as an argument. The revoke-prefix operation allows a client to revoke all secrets or tokens generated under a given prefix. The create operation allows a client to create a new lease for a secret. The describe operation allows a client to view information about a lease, such as its TTL, policies, and metadata.Reference:Lease, Renew, and Revoke | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,vault lease - Command | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
Question 37
An organization wants to authenticate an AWS EC2 virtual machine with Vault to access a dynamic database secret. The only authentication method which they can use in this case is AWS.
The statement is false. An organization can authenticate an AWS EC2 virtual machine with Vault to access a dynamic database secret using more than one authentication method. The AWS auth method is one of the options, but not the only one. The AWS auth method supports two types of authentication: ec2 and iam. The ec2 type uses the signed EC2 instance identity document to authenticate the EC2 instance. The iam type uses the AWS Signature v4 algorithm to sign a request to the sts:GetCallerIdentity API and authenticate the IAM principal. However, the organization can also use other auth methods that are compatible with EC2 instances, such as AppRole, JWT/OIDC, or Kubernetes. These methods require the EC2 instance to have some sort of identity material, such as a role ID, a secret ID, a JWT token, or a service account token, that can be used to authenticate to Vault. The identity material can be provisioned to the EC2 instance using various mechanisms, such as user data, metadata service, or cloud-init scripts. The choice of the auth method depends on the use case, the security requirements, and the trade-offs between convenience and control.Reference:AWS - Auth Methods | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,AppRole - Auth Methods | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,JWT/OIDC - Auth Methods | Vault | HashiCorp Developer,Kubernetes - Auth Methods | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
Question 38
You are using Vault's Transit secrets engine to encrypt your dat
a. You want to reduce the amount of content encrypted with a single key in case the key gets compromised. How would you do this?
The Transit secrets engine supports the rotation of encryption keys, which allows you to change the key that is used to encrypt new data without affecting the ability to decrypt data that was already encrypted. This reduces the amount of content encrypted with a single key in case the key gets compromised, and also helps you comply with the NIST guidelines for key rotation. You can rotate the encryption key manually by invoking the /transit/keys/<name>/rotate endpoint, or you can configure the key to automatically rotate based on a time interval or a number of encryption operations. When you rotate a key, Vault generates a new key version and increments the key's latest_version metadata. The new key version becomes the encryption key used for encrypting any new data. The previous key versions are still available for decrypting the existing data, unless you specify a minimum decryption version to archive the old key versions.You can also delete or disable old key versions if you want to revoke access to the data encrypted with those versions.Reference: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/secrets/transit1, https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/api-docs/secret/transit2
Question 39
A user issues the following cURL command to encrypt data using the transit engine and the Vault AP:
Which payload.json file has the correct contents?
Question 40
An authentication method should be selected for a use case based on: