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HP HPE6-A73 Practice Test 1

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Examine the commands entered on an AOS-CX switch:

What is true regarding this configuration for traffic received on interface 100?

The default next-hop address supersedes the two preceding next-hop addresses
The default next-hop address supersedes the two preceding next-hop addresses
The traffic is always dropped is the next-hop addresses are unreachable
The traffic is always dropped is the next-hop addresses are unreachable
The traffic will be routed with the IP routing table entries if the next-hop addresses are unreachable
The traffic will be routed with the IP routing table entries if the next-hop addresses are unreachable
The next-hop address of is overwritten by the next-hop address of
The next-hop address of is overwritten by the next-hop address of
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Suggested answer: C

"interface null: equivalent to the policy drop policing action. Any packets matching the class criteria for that policy entry will be dropped and not routed any further."

https://www.arubanetworks.com/techdocs/AOS-CX/10.05/HTML/5200-7300/index.html#GUIDDC7E5E47-8F31-4DE4-B257-1A68665B2AF4.htmlMore than one next hop can be assigned with an ACL and they work by priority (based on thesequence number: lower sequence number -> higher priority). So next-hop will be used if1.1.1.1 is not reachable. If both are unreachable, then the packet will be routed looking at the defaultrouting table, if no specific entry will be found, then the pacjet will be routed to the default next hopdefined in the ACL.

asked 16/09/2024
ahmed bin shehab
49 questions