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IT Risk Fundamentals: IT Risk Fundamentals Certificate

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes

The IT Risk Fundamentals exam, also known as ISACA IT Risk Fundamentals, is a crucial certification for professionals in the field of IT risk management. To increase your chances of passing, practicing with real exam questions shared by those who have succeeded can be invaluable. In this guide, we’ll provide you with practice test questions and answers, offering insights directly from candidates who have already passed the exam.

Why Use IT Risk Fundamentals Practice Test?

  • Real Exam Experience: Our practice tests accurately replicate the format and difficulty of the actual IT Risk Fundamentals exam, providing you with a realistic preparation experience.

  • Identify Knowledge Gaps: Practicing with these tests helps you identify areas where you need more study, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively.

  • Boost Confidence: Regular practice with exam-like questions builds your confidence and reduces test anxiety.

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your performance over time to see your improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.

Key Features of IT Risk Fundamentals Practice Test:

  • Up-to-Date Content: Our community ensures that the questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam objectives and technology trends.

  • Detailed Explanations: Each question comes with detailed explanations, helping you understand the correct answers and learn from any mistakes.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The practice tests cover all key topics of the IT Risk Fundamentals exam, including risk management frameworks, risk assessment, and risk response strategies.

  • Customizable Practice: Create your own practice sessions based on specific topics or difficulty levels to tailor your study experience to your needs.

Exam Details:

  • Exam Number: IT Risk Fundamentals

  • Exam Name: ISACA IT Risk Fundamentals

  • Length of Test: 1 hour

  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions

  • Exam Language: English

  • Number of Questions: 60 questions

  • Passing Score: 65%

Use the member-shared IT Risk Fundamentals Practice Tests to ensure you're fully prepared for your certification exam. Start practicing today and take a significant step towards achieving your certification goals!

Isaca IT Risk Fundamentals Practice Tests

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As part of the control monitoring process, frequent control exceptions are MOST likely to indicate:

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Which of the following is considered an exploit event?

An attacker takes advantage of a vulnerability

An attacker takes advantage of a vulnerability

Any event that is verified as a security breach

Any event that is verified as a security breach

The actual occurrence of an adverse event

The actual occurrence of an adverse event

Suggested answer: A

Ein Exploit-Ereignis tritt auf, wenn ein Angreifer eine Schwachstelle ausnutzt, um unbefugten Zugang zu einem System zu erlangen oder es zu kompromittieren. Dies ist ein grundlegender Begriff in der IT-Sicherheit. Wenn ein Angreifer eine bekannte oder unbekannte Schwachstelle in einer Software, Hardware oder einem Netzwerkprotokoll erkennt und ausnutzt, wird dies als Exploit bezeichnet.

Definition und Bedeutung:

Ein Exploit ist eine Methode oder Technik, die verwendet wird, um Schwachstellen in einem System auszunutzen.

Schwachstellen knnen Softwarefehler, Fehlkonfigurationen oder Sicherheitslcken sein.

Ablauf eines Exploit-Ereignisses:

Identifizierung der Schwachstelle: Der Angreifer entdeckt eine Schwachstelle in einem System.

Entwicklung des Exploits: Der Angreifer entwickelt oder verwendet ein bestehendes Tool, um die Schwachstelle auszunutzen.

Durchfhrung des Angriffs: Der Exploit wird durchgefhrt, um unautorisierten Zugang zu erlangen oder Schaden zu verursachen.

ISA 315: Generelle IT-Kontrollen und die Notwendigkeit, Risiken aus dem IT-Einsatz zu identifizieren und zu behandeln.

IDW PS 951: IT-Risiken und Kontrollen im Rahmen der Jahresabschlussprfung, die die Notwendigkeit von Kontrollen zur Identifizierung und Bewertung von Schwachstellen unterstreicht.

asked 18/11/2024
Ibrahim mazou Ismael
52 questions

To be effective, risk reporting and communication should provide:

risk reports to each business unit and groups of employees.

risk reports to each business unit and groups of employees.

the same risk information for each decision-making stakeholder.

the same risk information for each decision-making stakeholder.

stakeholders with concise information focused on key points.

stakeholders with concise information focused on key points.

Suggested answer: C

Effective Risk Reporting:

Effective risk reporting should provide relevant, concise, and focused information that addresses the key points necessary for decision-making.

Relevance and Conciseness:

Providing risk reports to each business unit and groups of employees (A) can lead to information overload and may not be practical or effective.

The same risk information for each decision-making stakeholder (B) may not be appropriate as different stakeholders have varying levels of responsibility and information needs.

Focused Communication:

Providing concise information focused on key points ensures that stakeholders receive relevant data without unnecessary details, facilitating better decision-making.

This approach is supported by best practices in risk management reporting, which emphasize the importance of clarity, relevance, and focus.


Therefore, risk reporting and communication should provide stakeholders with concise information focused on key points.

asked 18/11/2024
Matthew Wagner
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Which of the following is used to estimate the frequency and magnitude of a given risk scenario?

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Which of the following statements on an organization's cybersecurity profile is BEST suited for presentation to management?

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An enterprise has moved its data center from a flood-prone area where it had experienced significant service disruptions to one that is not a flood zone. Which risk response strategy has the organization selected?

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Why is risk identification important to an organization?

It provides a review of previous and likely threats to the enterprise.

It provides a review of previous and likely threats to the enterprise.

It ensures risk is recognized and the impact to business objectives is understood.

It ensures risk is recognized and the impact to business objectives is understood.

It enables the risk register to detail potential impacts to an enterprise's business processes.

It enables the risk register to detail potential impacts to an enterprise's business processes.

Suggested answer: B

Risk identification is critical because it ensures that risk is recognized and the impact on business objectives is understood. Here's why:

Provides a review of previous and likely threats to the enterprise: While this is part of risk identification, it does not encompass the primary purpose. Reviewing past threats helps in understanding historical risks but does not address the recognition and understanding of current and future risks.

Ensures risk is recognized and the impact to business objectives is understood: This is the essence of risk identification. It helps in identifying potential risks and understanding how these risks can impact the achievement of business objectives. Recognizing risks allows organizations to proactively address them before they materialize.

Enables the risk register to detail potential impacts to an enterprise's business processes: This is a result of risk identification, but the primary importance lies in the recognition and understanding of risks.

Therefore, risk identification is crucial as it ensures that risks are recognized and their impacts on business objectives are understood.

asked 18/11/2024
Mir Ali
46 questions

Which of the following would be considered a cyber-risk?

A system that does not meet the needs of users

A system that does not meet the needs of users

A change in security technology

A change in security technology

Unauthorized use of information

Unauthorized use of information

Suggested answer: C

Cyber-Risiken betreffen Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen in IT-Systemen, die durch unbefugten Zugriff oder Missbrauch von Informationen entstehen. Dies schliet die unautorisierte Nutzung von Informationen ein.

Definition und Beispiele:

Cyber Risk: Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Cyberangriffen, Datenverlust und Informationsdiebstahl.

Unauthorized Use of Information: Ein Beispiel fr ein Cyber-Risiko, bei dem unbefugte Personen Zugang zu vertraulichen Daten erhalten.


Zugriffskontrollen: Authentifizierung und Autorisierung, um unbefugten Zugriff zu verhindern.

Sicherheitsberwachung: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) und regelmige Sicherheitsberprfungen.

ISA 315: Importance of IT controls in preventing unauthorized access and use of information.

ISO 27001: Framework for managing information security risks, including unauthorized access.

asked 18/11/2024
Anupam Roy
54 questions

Which of the following is the MOST likely reason to perform a qualitative risk analysis?

To gain a low-cost understanding of business unit dependencies and interactions

To gain a low-cost understanding of business unit dependencies and interactions

To aggregate risk in a meaningful way for a comprehensive view of enterprise risk

To aggregate risk in a meaningful way for a comprehensive view of enterprise risk

To map the value of benefits that can be directly compared to the cost of a risk response

To map the value of benefits that can be directly compared to the cost of a risk response

Suggested answer: A

A qualitative risk analysis is most likely performed to gain a low-cost understanding of business unit dependencies and interactions. Here's the explanation:

To Gain a Low-Cost Understanding of Business Unit Dependencies and Interactions: Qualitative risk analysis focuses on assessing risks based on their characteristics and impacts through subjective measures such as interviews, surveys, and expert judgment. It is less resource-intensive compared to quantitative analysis and provides a broad understanding of dependencies and interactions within the business units.

To Aggregate Risk in a Meaningful Way for a Comprehensive View of Enterprise Risk: While qualitative analysis can contribute to this, the primary goal is not aggregation but rather understanding individual risks and their impacts.

To Map the Value of Benefits That Can Be Directly Compared to the Cost of a Risk Response: This is typically the goal of quantitative risk analysis, which involves numerical estimates of risks and their impacts to compare costs and benefits directly.

Therefore, the primary reason for performing a qualitative risk analysis is to gain a low-cost understanding of business unit dependencies and interactions.

asked 18/11/2024
44 questions

Which of the following is the BEST way to interpret enterprise standards?

A means of implementing policy

A means of implementing policy

An approved code of practice

An approved code of practice

Documented high-level principles

Documented high-level principles

Suggested answer: A

Unternehmensstandards dienen als Mittel zur Umsetzung von Richtlinien. Sie legen spezifische Anforderungen und Verfahren fest, die sicherstellen, dass die Unternehmensrichtlinien eingehalten werden.

Definition und Bedeutung von Standards:

Enterprise Standards: Dokumentierte, detaillierte Anweisungen, die die Umsetzung von Richtlinien untersttzen.

Implementierung von Richtlinien: Standards helfen dabei, die abstrakten Richtlinien in konkrete, umsetzbare Manahmen zu berfhren.

Beispiele und Anwendung:

IT-Sicherheitsstandards: Definieren spezifische Sicherheitsanforderungen, die zur Einhaltung der bergeordneten IT-Sicherheitsrichtlinien erforderlich sind.

Compliance-Standards: Stellen sicher, dass gesetzliche und regulatorische Anforderungen eingehalten werden.

ISA 315: Role of IT controls and standards in implementing organizational policies.

ISO 27001: Establishing standards for information security management to support policy implementation.

asked 18/11/2024
Dennis Valencia
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