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Fortinet NSE5_FSM-6.3 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 3

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Question 21

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Which FortiSIEM feature must you use to produce a report on which FortiGate devices in your environment are running which firmware version?

Run an analytic search.
Run an analytic search.
Run a query using the Inventory tab.
Run a query using the Inventory tab.
Run a baseline report.
Run a baseline report.
Run a CMDB report
Run a CMDB report
Suggested answer: B

Feature Overview: FortiSIEM provides several tools for querying and reporting on device information within an environment.

Inventory Tab: The Inventory tab is specifically designed to display detailed information about devices, including their firmware versions.

Query Functionality: Within the Inventory tab, you can run queries to filter and display devices based on specific attributes, such as the firmware version for FortiGate devices.

Report Generation: By running a query in the Inventory tab, you can produce a report that lists the FortiGate devices and their corresponding firmware versions.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Inventory Management section, explains how to use the Inventory tab to query and report on device attributes.

asked 18/09/2024
49 questions

Question 22

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Which statement about global thresholds and per device thresholds is true?

FortiSIEM uses global and per device thresholds tor all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses global and per device thresholds tor all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses global thresholds for all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses global thresholds for all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses fixed hardcoded thresholds for all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses fixed hardcoded thresholds for all performance metrics.
FortiSIEM uses global thresholds for all security metrics.
FortiSIEM uses global thresholds for all security metrics.
Suggested answer: A

Threshold Management: FortiSIEM uses thresholds to generate alerts and incidents based on performance and security metrics.

Global Thresholds: These are default thresholds applied to all devices and metrics across the system, providing a baseline for alerts.

Per Device Thresholds: These thresholds can be customized for individual devices, allowing for more granular control and tailored monitoring based on specific device characteristics and requirements.

Usage in Performance Metrics: Both global and per device thresholds are used for performance metrics to ensure comprehensive and precise monitoring.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Thresholds and Alerts section, details the application of global and per device thresholds for performance and security metrics.

asked 18/09/2024
Kameron Katoku
51 questions

Question 23

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In FortiSIEM enterprise licensing mode, it the link between the collector and data center FortiSlEM cluster is down, what happens?

The collector drops incoming events like syslog. but stops performance collection.
The collector drops incoming events like syslog. but stops performance collection.
The collector processes stop, and events ate dropped.
The collector processes stop, and events ate dropped.
The collector continues performance collection of devices, but slops receiving syslog.
The collector continues performance collection of devices, but slops receiving syslog.
The collector buffers events
The collector buffers events
Suggested answer: C

Enterprise Licensing Mode: In FortiSIEM enterprise licensing mode, collectors are deployed in remote sites to gather and forward data to the central FortiSIEM cluster located in the data center.

Collector Functionality: Collectors are responsible for receiving logs, events (e.g., syslog), and performance metrics from devices.

Link Down Scenario: When the link between the collector and the FortiSIEM cluster is down, the collector needs a mechanism to ensure no data is lost during the disconnection.

Event Buffering: The collector buffers the events locally until the connection is restored, ensuring that no incoming events are lost. This buffered data is then forwarded to the FortiSIEM cluster once the link is re-established.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Data Collection and Buffering section, explains the behavior of collectors during network disruptions.

asked 18/09/2024
Tatiana Castillo
40 questions

Question 24

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Which two FortiSIEM components work together to provide real-time event correlation?

Supervisor and worker
Supervisor and worker
Collector and Windows agent
Collector and Windows agent
Worker and collector
Worker and collector
Supervisor and collector
Supervisor and collector
Suggested answer: C

FortiSIEM Architecture: The FortiSIEM architecture includes several components such as Supervisors, Workers, Collectors, and Agents, each playing a distinct role in the SIEM ecosystem.

Real-Time Event Correlation: Real-time event correlation is a critical function that involves analyzing and correlating incoming events to detect patterns indicative of security incidents or operational issues.

Role of Supervisor and Worker:

Supervisor: The Supervisor oversees the entire FortiSIEM system, coordinating the processing and analysis of events.

Worker: Workers are responsible for processing and correlating the events received from Collectors and Agents.

Collaboration for Correlation: Together, the Supervisor and Worker components perform real-time event correlation by distributing the load and ensuring efficient processing of events to identify incidents in real-time.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Event Correlation and Processing section, details how the Supervisor and Worker components collaborate for real-time event correlation.

asked 18/09/2024
Johannes Bickel
62 questions

Question 25

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FortiSIEM is deployed in disaster recovery mode.

When disaster strikes, which two tasks must you perform manually to achieve a successful disaster recovery operation? (Choose two.)

Promote the secondary workers to the primary rotes using the phSecworker2priworker command.
Promote the secondary workers to the primary rotes using the phSecworker2priworker command.
Promote the secondary supervisor to the primary role using the phSecondary2primary command.
Promote the secondary supervisor to the primary role using the phSecondary2primary command.
Change the DNS configuration to ensure that users, devices, and collectors log in to the secondary FortiSIEM.
Change the DNS configuration to ensure that users, devices, and collectors log in to the secondary FortiSIEM.
Change the configuration for shared storage NFS configured for EventDB to the secondary FortiSIEM.
Change the configuration for shared storage NFS configured for EventDB to the secondary FortiSIEM.
Suggested answer: A, C

Disaster Recovery Mode: FortiSIEM's disaster recovery (DR) mode ensures that there is a backup system ready to take over in case the primary system fails.

Manual Tasks for DR Operation: In the event of a disaster, certain tasks must be performed manually to ensure a smooth transition to the secondary system.

Promoting the Secondary Supervisor:

Use the command phSecondary2primary to promote the secondary supervisor to the primary role. This command reconfigures the secondary supervisor to take over as the primary supervisor, ensuring continuity in management and coordination.

Changing DNS Configuration:

Update the DNS configuration to direct all users, devices, and collectors to the secondary FortiSIEM instance. This ensures that all components in the environment can communicate with the newly promoted primary supervisor without manual reconfiguration of individual devices.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 Administration Guide, Disaster Recovery section, provides detailed steps on promoting the secondary supervisor and updating DNS configurations during a disaster recovery operation.

asked 18/09/2024
Jefferson Salvio
43 questions

Question 26

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IF the reported packet loss is between 50% and 98%. which status is assigned to the device in the Availability column of summary dashboard?

Up status is assigned because of received packets.
Up status is assigned because of received packets.
Critical status is assigned because of reduction in number of packets received.
Critical status is assigned because of reduction in number of packets received.
Degraded status is assigned because of packet loss
Degraded status is assigned because of packet loss
Down status is assigned because of packet loss.
Down status is assigned because of packet loss.
Suggested answer: B

Device Status in FortiSIEM: FortiSIEM assigns different statuses to devices based on their operational state and performance metrics.

Packet Loss Impact: The reported packet loss percentage directly influences the status assigned to a device. Packet loss between 50% and 98% indicates significant network issues that affect the device's performance.

Degraded Status: When packet loss is between 50% and 98%, FortiSIEM assigns a 'Degraded' status to the device. This status indicates that the device is experiencing substantial packet loss, which impairs its performance but does not render it completely non-functional.

Reasoning: The 'Degraded' status helps administrators identify devices with serious performance issues that need attention but are not entirely down.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Device Availability and Status section, explains the criteria for assigning different statuses based on performance metrics such as packet loss.

asked 18/09/2024
Randy Kana
37 questions

Question 27

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In me FortiSIEM CLI. which command must you use to determine whether or not syslog is being received from a network device?

Suggested answer: A

Syslog Reception Verification: To verify whether syslog messages are being received from a network device, a network packet capture tool can be used.

tcpdump Command: tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer tool available in Unix-like operating systems. It allows administrators to capture and analyze network traffic.

Usage: By using tcpdump with the appropriate filters (e.g., port 514 for syslog), administrators can monitor the incoming syslog messages in real-time to verify if they are being received.

Example Command: tcpdump -i <interface> port 514 captures the syslog messages on the specified network interface.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, CLI Commands section, which details the usage of tcpdump for network traffic analysis and verification of syslog reception.

asked 18/09/2024
Alonzo M. Carr Sr.
29 questions

Question 28

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An administrator wants to search for events received from Linux and Windows agents.

Which attribute should the administrator use in search filters, to view events received from agents only.

External Event Receive Protocol
External Event Receive Protocol
Event Received Proto Agents
Event Received Proto Agents
External Event Receive Raw Logs
External Event Receive Raw Logs
External Event Receive Agents
External Event Receive Agents
Suggested answer: D

Search Filters in FortiSIEM: When searching for specific events, administrators can use various attributes to filter the results.

Attribute for Agent Events: To view events received specifically from Linux and Windows agents, the attribute External Event Receive Agents should be used.

Function: This attribute filters events that are received from agents, distinguishing them from events received through other protocols or sources.

Search Efficiency: Using this attribute helps the administrator focus on events collected by FortiSIEM agents, making the search results more relevant and targeted.

Reference: FortiSIEM 6.3 User Guide, Event Search and Filters section, which describes the available attributes and their usage for filtering search results.

asked 18/09/2024
Vijay Khara
50 questions

Question 29

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How is a subpattern for a rule defined?

Filters, Aggregation, Group by definitions
Filters, Aggregation, Group by definitions
Filters, Group By definitions, Threshold
Filters, Group By definitions, Threshold
Filters, Threshold, Time Window definitions
Filters, Threshold, Time Window definitions
Filters, Aggregation, Time Window definitions
Filters, Aggregation, Time Window definitions
Suggested answer: C
asked 18/09/2024
Bruno De Brida
36 questions

Question 30

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What are the four categories of incidents?

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