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CIS-Discovery: Certified Implementation Specialist - Discovery

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
3 Quizzes

Exam Number: CIS-Discovery

Exam Name: Certified Implementation Specialist - Discovery

Length of test: 60 mins

Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions.

Exam Language: English

Number of questions in the actual exam: 60 questions

Passing Score: 70%

The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist (CIS) - Discovery exam certifies that a candidate has the skills and knowledge to configure, administer, implement, and maintain the Discovery application within the ServiceNow platform

This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

Related questions

Which of the below choices are benefits of Tracked Configuration Files? (Choose two.)

Content version comparison

Content version comparison

Files tracked as CIs

Files tracked as CIs

Unwanted files removed from target

Unwanted files removed from target

No credentials needed

No credentials needed

Suggested answer: A, B

Tracked configuration files are files that contain settings and parameters of certain applications or devices that Discovery can find and add to the CMDB. Some of the benefits of tracked configuration files are:

Content version comparison: You can compare the content of different versions of the same configuration file and see the changes that occurred over time. This can help you troubleshoot issues, audit changes, and restore previous configurations if needed.

Files tracked as CIs: You can view the configuration files as configuration items (CIs) in the CMDB and see their relationships with other CIs, such as the applications or devices they belong to. This can help you understand the dependencies and impact of the configuration files on your IT environment.

asked 27/11/2024
Welton Harris
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What is the advantage of Discovery Range Sets?

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Which of the following pattern operations query targets? (Choose two.)

WMI Query

WMI Query

Merge Table

Merge Table

Get Process

Get Process

Parse Variable

Parse Variable

Suggested answer: A, C

Pattern operations are the building blocks of patterns that define the logic and actions to perform on the target CIs. Some pattern operations query targets to retrieve information or execute commands, while others manipulate data or perform other tasks. WMI Query and Get Process are examples of pattern operations that query targets. WMI Query executes a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query on a Windows target and stores the results in a variable.Get Process executes a command to list the processes running on a target and stores the results in a variable12.

Pattern operations - Product Documentation: Vancouver - ServiceNow

Pattern operations - Product Documentation: San Diego - Now Support Portal

asked 27/11/2024
stefano nicoletti
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What are the main KPIs for CMDB Health scorecard?

Choose 3 answers

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Which of the choices have a higher chance of leading to lost data during CI reclassification? (Choose two.)









Suggested answer: A, C

CI reclassification is the process of changing the class of a CI in the CMDB based on the discovery data. It can be done manually or automatically, depending on the configuration settings. CI reclassification can result in data loss if the new class has fewer or different attributes than the original class, and the existing attribute values are not preserved or mapped to the new class. This can happen when a CI is switched to a different class hierarchy, such as from a Linux Server to a Windows Server, or when a CI is downgraded to a less specific class, such as from a Database to a Software Instance. Therefore, switching and downgrading have a higher chance of leading to lost data during CI reclassification.

CI reclassification

Reclassify CIs

Configure automatic CI reclassification

asked 27/11/2024
John Atkinson
42 questions

During the Port Scan phase what could the Warning level error 'No results returned from probe.' mean?

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Which choices are necessary to launch any pattern? (Choose two.)

CI Classification

CI Classification

CI Serial Number Attribute

CI Serial Number Attribute

Data Certification

Data Certification

CI Type

CI Type

Suggested answer: A, D

To launch any pattern, you need to specify the CI classification and the CI type. The CI classification determines the table where the discovered CI is stored in the CMDB, and the CI type defines the specific attributes and relationships of the CI. For example, if you want to discover a Windows server, you need to select the CI classification ascmdb_ci_win_serverand the CI type asWindows Server. These choices are mandatory for any pattern, as they enable Discovery to identify and classify the CIs correctly.

asked 27/11/2024
Karol Ligeza
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While discovering a new SNMP network device, which choice could cause the error 'Active, couldn't classify' to occur on a Discovery Status?

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Which choice allows the following functionality to occur?

If this value is set to 1000 and a discovery must scan 10,000 IP addresses using a single MID Server, it creates 10 Shazzam probes with each probe scanning 1000 IP addresses.

MID Server Clusters

MID Server Clusters

MID Server selection method

MID Server selection method

Shazzam Batch Size

Shazzam Batch Size



Suggested answer: C

TheShazzam Batch Sizeproperty determines how many IP addresses are scanned by a single Shazzam probe1. If this value is set to 1000 and a discovery must scan 10,000 IP addresses using a single MID Server, it creates 10 Shazzam probes with each probe scanning 1000 IP addresses.This property can be configured in theDiscovery Propertiesmodule underDiscovery Definition2.

asked 27/11/2024
Tuukka Valkeasuo
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Discovery finds and maps dependencies for the following types of storage devices. (Choose three.)

Direct-attached storage (DAS)

Direct-attached storage (DAS)

Network-attached storage (NAS)

Network-attached storage (NAS)

Storage area network (SAN)

Storage area network (SAN)

Multiple area network (MAN)

Multiple area network (MAN)

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

Suggested answer: A, B, C

Discovery finds and maps dependencies for the following types of storage devices:Direct-attached storage (DAS),network-attached storage (NAS), orstorage area network (SAN)1.NAS or SAN storage that is discovered via a Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) and Common Information Model (CIM) is also supported2.Discovery collects information about storage area networks from specialized devices, such as storage arrays and Fibre Channel (FC) switches, and creates specific references between the tables in the SAN3. Discovery does not support Multiple area network (MAN) or Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) as types of storage devices.

1:Storage device discovery

2:Storage Discovery via SMI-S and CIM

3:Discovery of storage area networks (SAN)

asked 27/11/2024
Steven Chong
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