SPLK-2003: Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer
Related questions
How is it possible to evaluate user prompt results?
In Splunk Phantom, user prompts are actions that require human input. To evaluate the resultsof a user prompt, you can set the response requirement in the action result summary. Bysetting action_result.summary.response to required, the playbook ensures that it captures theuser's input and can act upon it. This is critical in scenarios where subsequent actions dependon the choices made by the user in response to a prompt. Without setting this, the playbookwould not have a defined way to handle the user response, which might lead to incorrect orunexpected playbook behavior.
Some of the playbooks on the SOAR server should only be executed by members of the admin role. How can this rule be applied?
Which of the following are the steps required to complete a full backup of a Splunk Phantom deployment' Assume the commands are executed from /opt/phantom/bin and that no other backups have been made.
What does a user need to do to have a container with an event from Splunk use context-aware actions designed for notable events?
For a container in Splunk SOAR to utilize context-aware actions designed for notable eventsfrom Splunk, it is crucial to ensure that the notable event's unique identifier (event_id) isincluded in the search results pulled into SOAR. Moreover, by adding a Common Event Format(CEF) definition for the event_id field within Phantom, and setting its data type to somethingthat denotes it as a Splunk notable event ID, SOAR can recognize and appropriately handlethese identifiers. This setup facilitates the correct mapping and processing of notable eventdata within SOAR, enabling the execution of context-aware actions that are specifically tailoredto the characteristics of Splunk notable events.
How can the DECIDED process be restarted?
Which Phantom API command is used to create a custom list?
What are the components of the I2A2 design methodology?
Which of the following can be configured in the ROI Settings?
Which of the following applies to filter blocks?
An active playbook can be configured to operate on all containers that share which attribute?