LPI 101-500 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 7
List of questions
Question 61

Which signal is missing from the following command that is commonly used to instruct a daemon to reinitialize itself, including reading configuration files? killall -s _______ daemon
Question 62

What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice command when executing a new process?
Question 63

Immediately after deleting 3 lines of text in vi and moving the cursor to a different line, which single character command will insert the deleted content below the current line?
Question 64

A user accidentally created the subdirectory \dir in his home directory. Which of the following commands will remove that directory?
Question 65

In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?
Question 66

Which of the following commands will send output from the program myapp to both standard output
(stdout) and the file file1.log?
Question 67

What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command?
Question 68

What is the output of the following command? echo "Hello World" | tr -d aieou
Question 69

Which of the following characters can be combined with a separator string in order to read from the current input source until the separator string, which is on a separate line and without any trailing spaces, is reached?
Question 70

Which of the following commands will NOT update the modify timestamp on the file