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Cisco 200-901 Practice Test 8

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Which action do webhooks enable an application to perform?

Increase the request rate limit.

Increase the request rate limit.

Populate the application with restricted data.

Populate the application with restricted data.

Receive real-time data.

Receive real-time data.

Implement a push model.

Implement a push model.

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Suggested answer: C

Simplifying the wording: Webhook enables the app to ( push or receive real time) . The clients should receive real time but the app pushes.

Simplifying the wording: Webhook enables the app to ( push or receive real time) . The clientsWebhooks enable applications to receive real-time data by providing a mechanism for oneapplication to send data to another as soon as an event happens. This is done through HTTPcallbacks, where an event in the source system triggers an HTTP POST request to a predefinedURL in the destination system. This allows the destination system to process the dataimmediately, ensuring real-time updates.

asked 07/10/2024
Chad Remick
40 questions