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Cisco 300-730 Practice Test 3

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Which VPN technology must be used to ensure that routers are able to dynamically form connections with each other rather than sending traffic through a hub and be able to advertise routes without the use of a dynamic routing protocol?



DMVPN Phase 3

DMVPN Phase 3

DMVPN Phase 2

DMVPN Phase 2



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DMVPN stands for Dynamic Multipoint VPN, which is a technology that allows routers to dynamicallyform VPN tunnels with each other without requiring a pre-configured static crypto map. DMVPN usesMultipoint GRE (mGRE) interfaces and Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) to establish directconnections between routers. DMVPN has three phases of operation, each with different features andbenefits.DMVPN Phase 1 is the basic configuration, where all spokes are configured with a single mGRE interfacethat points to the hub as the NHRP server. The spokes can only communicate with the hub, not witheach other. All traffic must go through the hub, which creates a bottleneck and increases latency.DMVPN Phase 2 improves on Phase 1 by allowing spoke-to-spoke communication without going throughthe hub. This is achieved by using NHRP to dynamically resolve the IP address of the destination spokeand create a direct GRE tunnel between the spokes. However, this still requires the use of a dynamicrouting protocol to advertise routes between the spokes, which adds overhead and complexity.DMVPN Phase 3 further enhances Phase 2 by enabling spoke-to-spoke communication without requiringa dynamic routing protocol. This is done by using NHRP shortcut switching and NHRP redirect messages.When a spoke wants to send traffic to another spoke, it sends an NHRP resolution request to the hub,which responds with an NHRP redirect message containing the IP address of the destination spoke. The

asked 10/10/2024
Aleksey Koltsov
35 questions