Nokia 4A0-AI1 Practice Test 1

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Software-defined Networks (SDN) over traditional networks?
SDN does not provide any advantage in terms of having network elements operate autonomously.
The other three options are all advantages of SDN over traditional networks.
Network elements operating autonomously is NOT an advantage of Software-defined Networks (SDN) over traditional networks. SDN aims to centralize control plane operations and provide a global view of the network's state, enabling more efficient and flexible network management. By decoupling the control plane from the data plane, SDN separates the management logic from the forwarding hardware, allowing for centralized and programmable network control.
some of the advantages of Software-defined Networks (SDN) over traditional networks are:
Traffic programmability
Policy-driven network supervision
Network automation
Centralized controller operations
Decoupling of control plane from data plane
Global view of network's state