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Cisco 500-420 Practice Test 1

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A Performance Analyst has enabled Development Level Monitoring for an application. For a default configuration, in which scenario will Development Level Monitoring get automatically disabled?

A maximum of 500 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 90%

A maximum of 500 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 90%

A maximum of 1500 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 90%

A maximum of 1500 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 90%

A maximum of 1000 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 95%

A maximum of 1000 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 95%

A maximum of 2000 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 95%

A maximum of 2000 calls per minute limit is exceeded, and Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 95%

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Suggested answer: A

Development Level Monitoring in AppDynamics is designed for use in a lower volume, non-production environment. For a default configuration, Development Level Monitoring will get automatically disabled if the monitored environment exceeds a threshold, typically a maximum of 1000 calls per minute, and the Maximum heap utilization percentage goes above 95%. These thresholds are in place to prevent excessive overhead in a production environment where such detailed monitoring could impact performance.

AppDynamics documentation on Agent Configuration: Provides information on configuration settings for monitoring levels, including when Development Level Monitoring is automatically disabled due to exceeding thresholds.

asked 11/10/2024
Ahmed Khalifa
52 questions