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VMware 5V0-35.21 Practice Test 3

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What is a characteristic of an alert recommendation?

It updates objects or read data about objects in monitored systems.
It updates objects or read data about objects in monitored systems.
It is a probable solution for resolving the problem that triggered the alert.
It is a probable solution for resolving the problem that triggered the alert.
It is always linked to a corresponding Knowledge Base article.
It is always linked to a corresponding Knowledge Base article.
Alert recommendations are only available as part of an installed Management Pack, so creating custom recommendations is not possible.
Alert recommendations are only available as part of an installed Management Pack, so creating custom recommendations is not possible.
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Suggested answer: B

Alert recommendations are the remediation options that you provide to your users to resolve the problems that the generated alert indicates. When you add an alert definition that indicates a problem with objects in your monitored environment, add a relevant recommendation.Recommendations can be instructions to your users, links to other information or instruction sources, or vRealize Operations actions that run on the target systems1.Alert recommendations are not always linked to a Knowledge Base article, and they can be created or modified by the user2.References:1:Defining Alerts in vRealize Operations2:User Scenario: Monitor and Process Alerts in vRealize Operations Manager

asked 16/09/2024
Marcel Bertz
36 questions