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Cisco 700-826 Practice Test 1

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What are the main use cases that connected roadways and intersections enable?

connecting both serial and ethernet field devices, and remote and mobile asset connectivity

connecting both serial and ethernet field devices, and remote and mobile asset connectivity

connectivity for traffic signal controller, video surveillance, and digital signage

connectivity for traffic signal controller, video surveillance, and digital signage

public safety fleet monitoring, and predictive maintenance for rail

public safety fleet monitoring, and predictive maintenance for rail

alternate routing of vehicles, and counting the number of passengers on public transportation

alternate routing of vehicles, and counting the number of passengers on public transportation

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Suggested answer: B

Connected roadways and intersections primarily enable the connectivity for traffic signal controllers, video surveillance, and digital signage. These technologies are integrated to manage traffic flow more efficiently, enhance road safety, and provide real-time information to drivers and pedestrians. This integration supports smart city initiatives by improving traffic management, reducing congestion, and increasing safety and information dissemination at roadways and intersections.

Reference: This answer reflects common smart roadway solutions that leverage connectivity to optimize traffic management and enhance public safety, as outlined in various Cisco smart city and IoT deployments.

asked 11/10/2024
John Hammonds
40 questions

Cisco 700-826 Practice Tests