ACAMS CAMS Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 19

List of questions
Question 181

Under requirements for correspondent accounts in the USA PATRIOT Act, the word 'certification' refers to a written representation by a
federal receiver' certifying that he is not the beneficial owner of the correspondent account.
respondent bank, certifying that they do not do business with politically exposed persons.
correspondent bank, certifying that they do not open correspondent accounts for alternative remittance companies.
respondent bank, certifying that they do not do business with shell banks.
it describes the word ''certification'' as a written representation by arespondent bank, certifying that they do not do business with shell banks. This is one of the requirements for correspondent accounts in the USA PATRIOT Act, which is a law enacted in 2001 to enhance the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) measures in the United States. The USA PATRIOT Act requires that correspondent banks, which are banks that provide services to other banks, such as clearing, settlement, or cash management, to obtain a certification from their respondent banks, which are banks that receive services from correspondent banks, to ensure that they are not involved in money laundering or terrorist financing activities. One of the elements of the certification is that the respondent bank does not do business with shell banks, which are banks that have no physical presence or meaningful supervision in any jurisdiction, and are often used by money launderers and other criminals to hide their identity and funds.
The other options are not necessarily the word ''certification'' as a written representation by a respondent bank under the USA PATRIOT Act, although they may have some relevance or importance depending on the circumstances and the nature of the correspondent relationship. Option A describes a possible certification by afederal receiver, which is a person appointed by a court to take custody and control of the assets of a failed bank, but this is not related to the correspondent accounts requirements in the USA PATRIOT Act. Option B describes a possible certification by a respondent bank, certifying that they do not do business withpolitically exposed persons (PEPs), which are individuals who hold or have held prominent public positions or their close associates or family members, and who may pose a higher risk of money laundering or corruption, but this is not a mandatory element of the certification under the USA PATRIOT Act, although it may be a good practice or a risk-based measure. Option C describes a possible certification by acorrespondent bank, certifying that they do not open correspondent accounts foralternative remittance companies, which are businesses that provide money transfer or payment services outside the formal banking system, and which may pose a higher risk of money laundering or terrorist financing, but this is not a requirement for the respondent bank under the USA PATRIOT Act, although it may be a regulatory obligation or a risk-based measure for the correspondent bank.
ACAMS CAMS Certification Video Training Course - 6th Edition1
Exam CAMS: Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (the 6th edition)2
ACAMS CAMS Study Guide - 6th Edition, Chapter 7, pages 156-157
Question 182

According to Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's Customer Due Diligence for Banks, which of the following should provide an evaluation of a bank's policies and procedures independent from its management?
The credit risk department
The Board
A peer institution
The compliance function
According to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's Customer Due Diligence for Banks, the compliance function should provide an evaluation of a bank's policies and procedures independent from its management. The compliance function is responsible for ensuring that the bank adheres to the relevant laws, regulations, and standards on customer due diligence, anti-money laundering, and combating the financing of terrorism. The compliance function should also monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the bank's customer due diligence policies and procedures, identify and report any breaches or deficiencies, and recommend corrective actions or improvements. The compliance function should have sufficient authority, independence, resources, and access to information to perform its duties effectively.
Customer due diligence for banks, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, October 2001, paragraphs 55-56
CAMS Study Guide - 6th Edition, Chapter 6, page 172
CAMS Certification Exam Outline, Domain 3, Task 3.1, Skill 3.1.2
Anti-Money-Laundering Guidance: Basel Committee Consultative Paper ..., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, February 2001, page 2
Question 183

An anti-money laundering specialist has been asked to establish a compliance program to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Which of the following should the anti-money laundering specialist consider in developing the program?
1. Funds for money laundering and terrorist financing are derived from illegal sources.
2. Related practices are used to conceal the nature of the funds.
3. The source and disposition of funds are similar.
4. Similar techniques are used to move funds.
1 and 2 only
1 and 3 only
2 and 4 only
3 and 4 only
Money laundering and terrorist financing are both forms of financial crime that involve the movement of illicit funds. However, they differ in the source and purpose of the funds. Money laundering is the process of disguising the origin, ownership, or destination of funds that are derived from illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, fraud, or tax evasion. Terrorist financing is the provision or collection of funds, by legitimate or illegitimate means, for the purpose of carrying out terrorist acts. Therefore, the anti-money laundering specialist should consider the following factors in developing a compliance program:
Related practices are used to conceal the nature of the funds. Both money launderers and terrorist financiers use similar methods to hide the true identity, source, or destination of the funds, such as using shell companies, front organizations, complex transactions, cash couriers, or cryptoassets. A compliance program should include measures to identify and verify the customers, beneficial owners, and counterparties involved in the transactions, as well as to monitor and report any suspicious or unusual activities.
Similar techniques are used to move funds. Both money launderers and terrorist financiers use the same stages of placement, layering, and integration to move funds through the financial system. Placement is the introduction of illicit funds into the legitimate financial system, such as by depositing cash, purchasing assets, or transferring funds electronically. Layering is the separation of the funds from their source, such as by using multiple accounts, jurisdictions, or intermediaries. Integration is the re-entry of the funds into the legitimate economy, such as by investing in businesses, real estate, or securities. A compliance program should include measures to detect and prevent the movement of illicit funds through the financial system, such as by applying risk-based due diligence, record-keeping, and transaction limits.
CAMS Certification Package - 6th Edition | ACAMS
CAMS Certifications: How to Get CAMS Certified | ACAMS
ACAMS CAMS Certification Video Training Course - Exam-Labs
Exam CAMS: Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (the 6th edition)
Question 184

According to the European Union Money Laundering Directives, 'knowledge, intent or purpose'' required as an element for money laundering may be inferred from
Objective factual circumstances.
Subjective factual circumstances.
Objective non-factual circumstances.
Subjective non-factual circumstances.
According to Article 1(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 (4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive, 4AMLD), ''knowledge, intent or purpose'' required as an element for money laundering may be inferred from objective factual circumstances. This means that the prosecution does not need to prove the actual state of mind of the offender, but can rely on the evidence of the surrounding facts and circumstances that indicate the offender's awareness or intention to launder money. This is consistent with the approach of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which defines money laundering as the intentional act of concealing or disguising the origin of criminal proceeds.
Directive - 2015/849 - EN - Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive - EUR-Lex, Article 1(3).
Preventing abuse of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing, Summary.
New Directive on Criminalisation of Money Laundering - eucrim, Introduction.
Question 185

A bank customer operates a fuel station as a sole proprietorship. The customer places deposits and other credits in a business account. The customer routinely transfers money from the business account to a brokerage account where he invests in money market securities. The customer also routinely makes monthly transfers to a credit card and line of credit to pay off balances. The volume of activity flowing through the business account has doubled in the past 3 months. An internal investigator reviews business account statements and credit card activity for the past 3 months, scans media articles about the customer, and interviews the account officer about the customer and account activity. This internal investigation did not provide an explanation for the increased activity1. Which of the following should the anti-money laundering specialist recommend to the internal investigator?
Concentrate on trades made in the brokerage account.
Review activity in all related customer accounts in the past year.
Analyze account activity for selected accounts since the accounts were opened.
No additional steps are necessary because this was a thorough review of the activity.
the internal investigation did not examine the brokerage account, which could be a potential source of money laundering.According to the CAMS Study Guide, 6th Edition, one of the common methods of money laundering is to use securities brokers to move funds through the purchase and sale of stocks, bonds, or other instruments1. The customer's frequent transfers from the business account to the brokerage account, and the increased volume of activity in the business account, could indicate that the customer is trying to disguise the origin or ownership of illicit funds by investing them in money market securities.Therefore, the anti-money laundering specialist should recommend the internal investigator to concentrate on the trades made in the brokerage account, and to look for any signs of market manipulation, insider trading, or unusual patterns of transactions1.
1: CAMS Study Guide, 6th Edition, Chapter 2: Money Laundering Risks and Methods, page 55-56.
Question 186

After evaluating recent changes to international standards, an anti-money laundering specialist should consider enhanced due diligence on accounts held by
1. lawyers.
2. foreign exchange dealers.
3. retail account holders.
4. precious metal dealers.
1, 2, and 3 only
1, 2, and 4 only
1, 3, and 4 only
2, 3, and 4 only
Enhanced due diligence (EDD) is a higher level of customer due diligence that is required for customers or accounts that pose a higher risk of money laundering or terrorist financing. According to the FATF Recommendations, EDD measures may include obtaining additional information on the customer, the beneficial owner, the intended nature and purpose of the business relationship, the source and destination of funds, and the reasons for transactions. EDD is also required for customers or accounts that are from or in countries that do not have adequate AML/CFT systems or are subject to sanctions or embargoes.
Among the four categories of customers or accounts listed in the question, lawyers, foreign exchange dealers, and precious metal dealers are considered as high-risk by the FATF and other international standards, and therefore require EDD. Lawyers may be involved in transactions that conceal the origin or ownership of illicit funds, such as creating shell companies, trusts, or foundations. Foreign exchange dealers may facilitate the movement of illicit funds across borders or jurisdictions, or provide anonymous or pseudonymous services. Precious metal dealers may deal with high-value goods that are easily convertible into cash, or may be used to launder proceeds of crime or evade sanctions.
Retail account holders, on the other hand, are generally considered as low-risk customers or accounts, unless they exhibit unusual or suspicious behavior or transactions. Therefore, they do not require EDD by default, but only when there are specific indicators of higher risk.
[ACAMS Study Guide for the CAMS Certification Examination, 6th Edition], Chapter 3: Compliance Standards for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), pp. 75-76, 79-80.
FATF Guidance on Correspondent Banking Services, October 2016, pp. 7-8, 12-13.
Customer Due Diligence - Overview, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, April 2018, pp. 1-2, 5-6.
Customer due diligence, The Law Society, accessed on February 9, 2024.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Source Tool for Broker-Dealers, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, May 16, 2022, pp. 1-2, 5-6.
Question 187

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued a paper in October 2001 in which it presented a Know Your Customer framework and recommended standards applicable to
Offshore banking supervisors.
Financial Intelligence Units.
banks in all countries.
European Financial Institutions.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) issued a paper in October 2001 titled Customer due diligence for banks, which outlined four essential elements of a sound Know Your Customer (KYC) programme. These elements are: customer acceptance policy, customer identification, on-going monitoring of higher risk accounts, and risk management. The paper also recommended that these standards should be applicable to all banks in all countries, regardless of their size, nature, or location.The paper stated that 'KYC safeguards go beyond simple account opening and record-keeping and require banks to formulate a customer acceptance policy and a tiered customer identification programme that involves more extensive due diligence for higher risk accounts, and includes proactive account monitoring for suspicious activities.'1
Customer due diligence for banksby the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, October 2001.
Consolidated KYC Risk Managementby the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, October 2004.
Editorial The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision report on customer Journal of Banking Regulation, 2002.
Question 188

Upon filing a suspicious transaction report, which of th following elements should be the highest anti-money laundering priority in making the decision to keep the account open?
Financial impact on the institution if the account is closed.
Procedures to ascertain the potential risk to the organization.
Additional Administrative costs of monitoring the account.
Total number of accounts the institution closed in the last month.
According to the CAMS Certification Package - 6th Edition1, the decision to keep or close an account after filing a suspicious transaction report (STR) should be based on a risk-based approach that considers the nature and severity of the suspicious activity, the customer profile and relationship, the regulatory and legal obligations, and the reputational and operational risks for the institution. The financial impact, the administrative costs, and the number of accounts closed are not the primary factors in determining the appropriate course of action. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Procedures to ascertain the potential risk to the organization.
CAMS Certification Package - 6th Edition1, Chapter 5: Risk Management, Section: Account Closure, pp. 211-212.
Question 189

According to the Financial Action Task Force 40 Recommendations, simplified customer due diligence or reduced measures could be acceptable for which of the following types of products or transactions?
1. Life insurance policies where the annual premium is no more than USD/EUR 1,000 or a single premium of no more than USD/EUR 2,500.
2. Insurance policies for pension schemes if there is no surrender clause and the policy cannot be used as collateral.
3. A ptfiisiui i Ll idL pr uviJcfb lelir emei it bei lefils Lu employees.
4. Trusts where the settlor, trustee and beneficiaries are identified and the shares are in bearer form.
1, 2, and 3 only
1, 2, and 4 only
1, 3, and 4 only
2, 3, and 4 only
FATF 40 Recommendations, Recommendation 10 and Interpretive Note to Recommendation 10, paragraphs 17-18.
According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations, simplified customer due diligence (CDD) or reduced measures could be acceptable for certain types of products or transactions that have a low risk of money laundering or terrorist financing, based on a reasonable assessment of the risk by countries or by financial institutions. These include: Life insurance policies where the annual premium is no more than USD/EUR 1,000 or a single premium of no more than USD/EUR 2,500. This is because the amount of money involved is relatively small and the payout is usually contingent on a specific event, such as death or disability, which reduces the likelihood of abuse by criminals. Insurance policies for pension schemes if there is no surrender clause and the policy cannot be used as collateral. This is because the beneficiaries of these policies are usually predetermined and the funds are locked in until retirement age, which limits the possibility of transferring or withdrawing the money for illicit purposes. A pension, superannuation or similar scheme that provides retirement benefits to employees, where contributions are made by way of deduction from wages and the scheme rules do not permit the assignment of a member's interest under the scheme. This is because the source of funds is known and verified by the employer and the scheme is regulated and supervised by competent authorities, which reduces the risk of money laundering or terrorist financing. The other option, trusts where the settlor, trustee and beneficiaries are identified and the shares are in bearer form, is not eligible for simplified CDD or reduced measures, because the use of bearer shares poses a high risk of anonymity and concealment of beneficial ownership, which could facilitate money laundering or terrorist financing.
Question 190

What describes the Black Market Peso Exchange money laundering method?
The best known money laundering method used by known terrorists
An undercover technique to identify politically exposed persons who may assist money launderers
A method primarily used by narcotics traffickers to transfer value back to the source country
A method used to smuggle dollars or pesos across that border from the U.S. to Mexico, and vice versa
The Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE) is a trade-based money laundering technique commonly used by narcotics traffickers based in Colombia and Mexico. The central feature is the use of a money trader to ensure that the revenue from drug sales in the U.S. doesn't actually cross any borders.Instead, those dollars are used to purchase any number of legitimate commodities from unsuspecting businesses on behalf of legitimate South American businesspersons, whose legitimate imports are used to obtain pesos for the drug cartels12. The BMPE involves six distinct steps:
Obtaining criminal proceeds: The drug cartels sell drugs for dollars in the U.S.
Involvement of intermediary services: The drug cartels sell the dollars to black market peso exchangers in Colombia at a discounted rate.
Identification of complicit companies: The black market peso exchangers identify exporting companies in the U.S. and importing companies in South America that are willing to participate in the scheme.
Placement of funds: The black market peso exchangers deposit the dollars into U.S. bank accounts or use money service businesses or other methods to transfer the funds.
Layering of funds: The black market peso exchangers use the funds to purchase monetary instruments such as checks, money orders, or wire transfers, or to pay for the goods ordered by the South American importers.
Integration of funds: The South American importers receive the goods or the monetary instruments and use them to pay for their imports or to sell them for pesos in the local market.
1: Black Market Peso Exchange in Money Laundering - Financial Crime Academy
2: Overview -