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Adobe AD0-E106 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 3

List of questions

Question 21

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How often is a full online compaction (revision cleanup) run by default?

Every week
Every week
Every 2 months
Every 2 months
Every month
Every month
Every 2 weeks
Every 2 weeks
Suggested answer: D

Reference: http://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/online-offline-tar-compaction-in-aem/

asked 02/10/2024
Judith Persons
39 questions

Question 22

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In addition to a manual start, what two triggers can a DevOps Engineer define to start the CI/CD pipeline? (Choose two.)

Scheduled start
Scheduled start
Offline start
Offline start
Offsite start
Offsite start
On Git changes
On Git changes
Data store changes
Data store changes
Suggested answer: A, D

Reference: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-cloud-manager/using/how-to-use/configuring-pipeline.html

asked 02/10/2024
Lipon Uddin
42 questions

Question 23

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A client is submitting a form that contains a CSRF token that is passed using the CSRF-Token HTTP header. When looking at the web server access logs the header is printed out, but on the AEM instance the value is not present in the request.

What should the DevOps Engineer configure to make the values available on the AEM instance?

Add the /clientheaders { "CSRF-Token" } in the dispatcher configuration
Add the /clientheaders { "CSRF-Token" } in the dispatcher configuration
Add X-Forwarded-Header: CSRF-Token in the virtual host configuration
Add X-Forwarded-Header: CSRF-Token in the virtual host configuration
Add /filter /0001{ /type "allow" /glob "CSRF-Token" } in the dispatcher configuration D. Add Header set CSRF-Token in the virtual host configuration
Add /filter /0001{ /type "allow" /glob "CSRF-Token" } in the dispatcher configuration D. Add Header set CSRF-Token in the virtual host configuration
Suggested answer:
asked 02/10/2024
Hayat Hassan
50 questions

Question 24

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A DevOps Engineer is configuring the Dispatcher to connect with AEM over SSL, and must have specific properties in the dispatcher.any file.

What must be set in the dispatcher.any file?

The/renders item includes a property named secure of value 1.
The/renders item includes a property named secure of value 1.
The/renders item includes a property named secure of value 0.
The/renders item includes a property named secure of value 0.
The/renders item includes a property named ssl of value true.
The/renders item includes a property named ssl of value true.
The/virtualhosts item includes a property named ssl of value true.
The/virtualhosts item includes a property named ssl of value true.
Suggested answer: B

Reference: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/configuring/dispatcher-ssl.html

asked 02/10/2024
Kinshuk Choubisa
49 questions

Question 25

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Which tool must be used to run an offline compaction?

oak-run jar
oak-run jar
crx2oak jar
crx2oak jar
oak-offline-compaction jar
oak-offline-compaction jar
oak-maintenance jar
oak-maintenance jar
Suggested answer: A

Reference: http://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/online-offline-tar-compaction-in-aem/

asked 02/10/2024
kevin klyn
42 questions

Question 26

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Assuming the project was generated using the AEM maven archetype, which maven command triggers the build and deployment of a content-package to a publish instance?

mvn install -PautoInstallPackagePublish
mvn install -PautoInstallPackagePublish
mvn install -PautoInstallBundle
mvn install -PautoInstallBundle
mvn install -PautoInstallPackage
mvn install -PautoInstallPackage
mvn install deploy -Pmode=autoInstallPackage
mvn install deploy -Pmode=autoInstallPackage
Suggested answer: C

Reference: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/maven_arch11.html

asked 02/10/2024
Keith Barker
34 questions

Question 27

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A DevOps Engineer needs to perform offline maintenance on a publish instance.

Which step should the DevOps Engineer take regarding replication of content?

Pause the replication queue to allow items to queue
Pause the replication queue to allow items to queue
Delete the replication queue
Delete the replication queue
Deactivate the replication agent for the publish instance
Deactivate the replication agent for the publish instance
Disable the replication agent for the publish instance
Disable the replication agent for the publish instance
Suggested answer: D
asked 02/10/2024
Sandeep Ramakrishnan
56 questions

Question 28

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Recently published content is not visible on the search results on the public website.

All results show on the author environment

Some results show on the publish environment

The LastIndexedTime metric is not updated when checking the Async Indexer stats MBean

The following line appears regularly in the log:

08.01.2019 01:22:04.474 *INFO* [pool-9-thread-2] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexUpdate Reindexing will be performed for following indexes [/oak:index/damFileSize, / oak:index/lucene, /oak:index/cqLastModified]

How can the DevOps Engineer gather more information about the root cause of this issue?

Increase the logging level for stdout.log to DEBUG in the sling log support configuration
Increase the logging level for stdout.log to DEBUG in the sling log support configuration
Increase the logging level for stderr.log to DEBUG by setting a JVM option
Increase the logging level for stderr.log to DEBUG by setting a JVM option
Increase the logging level for org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index
Increase the logging level for org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index
Increase the logging level for the health reports in the maintenance UI
Increase the logging level for the health reports in the maintenance UI
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
38 questions

Question 29

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The AEM site has a large number of DAM assets. Users report that searching for assets through Asset Search in AEM is making AEM incredibly slow and sometimes even bringing the instance down. To solve this problem, the DevOps Engineer requires the index to be updated.

Which steps are required to index the DAM nodes with minimal interruptions to the users?

In CRXDE, open the node: /content/dam/collections and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
In CRXDE, open the node: /content/dam/collections and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
In CRXDE, open the node: /oak:index/workflowDataLucene and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
In CRXDE, open the node: /oak:index/workflowDataLucene and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
Take the AEM instance offline and run oak-run.jar to reindex the TarMK
Take the AEM instance offline and run oak-run.jar to reindex the TarMK
In CRXDE, open the node: /oak:index/damAssetLucene and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
In CRXDE, open the node: /oak:index/damAssetLucene and set the reindex property to β€œtrue”
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
Javier Portabales
44 questions

Question 30

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An ΠΠ•Πœ publish instance is running slower than expected. Overall page load time is high, and system performance degrades over time.

A DevOps Engineer narrowed down the following long running requests:

Adobe AD0-E106 image Question 30 91208 10022024173923000000

Which step should be taken to resolve this issue?

Create new Lucene Index definitions to include OOTB and custom properties
Create new Lucene Index definitions to include OOTB and custom properties
Integrate SOLR Search Index with AEM
Integrate SOLR Search Index with AEM
Modify the search component to use the new Core Components and leverage Index definitions
Modify the search component to use the new Core Components and leverage Index definitions
Use /allowedClients in dispatcher.any to cache requests with URL parameter q
Use /allowedClients in dispatcher.any to cache requests with URL parameter q
Suggested answer: D
asked 02/10/2024
Rehan Malik
54 questions
Total 54 questions
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