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Adobe AD0-E116 Practice Test 2

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A developer wants to consume AEM Page Data in Single Page Application. The Single Page Application is coded to understand JSON format. Only page content should be exposed through JSON. All the existing components are based on foundation components.

Which change should the developer make in the existing components to support this requirement?

Add JSON as the default extension in Apache Sling Servlet?Script Resolver and Error handler Configuration
Add JSON as the default extension in Apache Sling Servlet?Script Resolver and Error handler Configuration
Implement a Sling Model Exporter for the components
Implement a Sling Model Exporter for the components
Create a custom sling event handler to handle JSON requests
Create a custom sling event handler to handle JSON requests
Invoke the page URL with the extension .json to get the values to construct the required output
Invoke the page URL with the extension .json to get the values to construct the required output
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Suggested answer: B
asked 02/10/2024
Christoph Reithmayr
43 questions