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Adobe AD0-E602 Practice Test 1

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A Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner must create a new destination. As the final step in creating the new destination, they are unable to indicate the intent for which data will be exported to the destination.

What must they do in order to complete the new destination creation?

Move to the activation flow
Move to the activation flow
Select an audience
Select an audience
Create their own marketing action
Create their own marketing action
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Suggested answer: C

According to the Adobe documentation, if none of the predefined marketing actions match the intent for which data will be exported to the destination, the practitioner can create their own marketing action by selecting "Other" and providing a name and description for it.

Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/destinations/ui/destinationactions.html?lang=en#creating-a-new-marketing-action

asked 02/10/2024
Rocky Lott
37 questions