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AD0-E718: Adobe Commerce Architect Master

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes

The AD0-E718 also known as Adobe Commerce Architect Master, this exam is crucial for professionals in the field of Adobe Commerce. To increase your chances of passing, practicing with real exam questions shared by those who have succeeded can be invaluable. In this guide, we’ll provide you with practice test questions and answers, offering insights directly from candidates who have already passed the exam.

Why Use AD0-E718 Practice Test?

  • Real Exam Experience: Our practice tests accurately replicate the format and difficulty of the actual AD0-E718 exam, providing you with a realistic preparation experience.

  • Identify Knowledge Gaps: Practicing with these tests helps you identify areas where you need more study, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively.

  • Boost Confidence: Regular practice with exam-like questions builds your confidence and reduces test anxiety.

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your performance over time to see your improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.

Key Features of AD0-E718 Practice Test:

  • Up-to-Date Content: Our community ensures that the questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam objectives and technology trends.

  • Detailed Explanations: Each question comes with detailed explanations, helping you understand the correct answers and learn from any mistakes.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The practice tests cover all key topics of the AD0-E718 exam, including:

    • Design and implement optimal solutions for Adobe Commerce to meet business needs
    • Design logical and technical flows
    • Customize Commerce features
    • Integrate Adobe Commerce with external systems and services
    • Review and refactor existing Adobe Commerce customizations
    • Utilize Commerce test frameworks throughout the whole workflow
    • Optimize performance and scalability for Adobe Commerce
    • Troubleshoot to identify the root cause of issues with Adobe Commerce
    • Configure all aspects of Adobe Commerce Cloud
    • Oversee and improve deployment process
    • Troubleshoot infrastructure and configuration issues
  • Customizable Practice: Create your own practice sessions based on specific topics or difficulty levels to tailor your study experience to your needs.

Exam Details:

  • Exam Number: AD0-E718

  • Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Architect Master

  • Length of Test: 120 minutes

  • Exam Format: Web-based with multiple-choice, multiple-response, drag-and-drop, and point-and-click questions

  • Exam Language: English

  • Number of Questions: 50 questions

  • Passing Score: 70%

Use the member-shared AD0-E718 Practice Tests to ensure you're fully prepared for your certification exam. Start practicing today and take a significant step towards achieving your certification goals!

Related questions

An Adobe Commerce Architect gets a request to change existing payment gateway functionality by allowing voided transactions only for a certain range of paid amounts.

In the vendor module file etc/config.xml, payment method has an option can,_void set to 1.

How should this customization be done?

Extend Magento\Payment\Model\\Method\Adapter and reimplement method void. Use this new class as a new type of payment method facade configuration overriding virtualType type for adapter.
Extend Magento\Payment\Model\\Method\Adapter and reimplement method void. Use this new class as a new type of payment method facade configuration overriding virtualType type for adapter.
Declare a new plugin for class Magento\Payment\ Gateway\Config\ConfigValueHandler and using the afterHandle method, change the result for Subject can_void.
Declare a new plugin for class Magento\Payment\ Gateway\Config\ConfigValueHandler and using the afterHandle method, change the result for Subject can_void.
Add new handler with name can_void to virtualType based on typeMagento payment\Gateway\config\ValueHandlerPool In payment method facade configuration.
Add new handler with name can_void to virtualType based on typeMagento payment\Gateway\config\ValueHandlerPool In payment method facade configuration.
Suggested answer: A


asked 02/10/2024
Mario Jose Oliveros Recinos
49 questions

An Adobe Commerce Architect creates a new functionality called Customs Fee, which adds a new total that applies to additional costs for handling customs clearance expenses. The extension allows specifying fee value for every website separately via the Adobe Commerce Configuration System.

The Architect plans to cover new functionality with integration tests. One test case needs to confirm if the total is calculated correctly on different websites.

How should the Architect make sure that test configuration data is added to test methods according to best practices?

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A custom cron job has been added to an Adobe Commerce system to collect data for several reports.

Its crontab. xml configuration is as follows:

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The job is data intensive and runs for between 20 and 30 minutes each night.

Within a few days of deployment, it is noticed that the site's sitemap. xml file has not been updated since the new job was added.

What should be done to fix this issue?

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The development of an Adobe Commerce website is complete. The website is ready to be rolled out on the production environment.

An Architect designed the system to run in a distributed architecture made up of multiple backend webservers that process requests behind a Load Balancer.

After deploying the system and accessing the website for the first time, users cannot access the Customer Dashboard after logging in. The website keeps redirecting users to the sign-in page even though the users have successfully logged in. The Architect determines that the session is not being saved properly.

In the napp/etc/env.php\ the session is configured as follows:

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What should the Architect do to correct this issue?

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Since the last production deployment, customers can not complete checkout. The error logs show the following message multiple times:

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The Architect finds a deployed feature that should limit delivery for some specific postcodes.

The Architect sees the following code deployed in/webapi_rest \di .xml and etc\frontend\di xml

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Which step should the Architect perform to solve the issue?

Inject an instance of \Magentro\Quote\API\CartRepostoryInterface and receive cart instance via$this->cartRepository->get($this-session->getQucteId())
Inject an instance of \Magentro\Quote\API\CartRepostoryInterface and receive cart instance via$this->cartRepository->get($this-session->getQucteId())
Replace the injected dependency\Magento\Checkout\Model\Session\With\Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface
Replace the injected dependency\Magento\Checkout\Model\Session\With\Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface
Change 'after' plugin with 'around' plugin. The issue is being caused by calling the result provider code after the code of the original method.
Change 'after' plugin with 'around' plugin. The issue is being caused by calling the result provider code after the code of the original method.
Suggested answer: C
asked 02/10/2024
48 questions

A company wants to build an Adobe Commerce website to sell their products to customers in their country. The taxes in their country are highly complex and require customization to Adobe Commerce. An Architect is trying to solve this problem by creating a custom tax calculator that will handle the calculation of taxes for all orders in Adobe Commerce.

How should the Architect add the taxes for all orders?

Write a before plugin to \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteManagement::placeOrder() and add the custom tax to the quote
Write a before plugin to \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteManagement::placeOrder() and add the custom tax to the quote
Declare a new total collector in "etc/sales.xml" in a custom module
Declare a new total collector in "etc/sales.xml" in a custom module
Add a new observer to the event 'sales_quote_collect_totals_before" and add the custom tax to the quote
Add a new observer to the event 'sales_quote_collect_totals_before" and add the custom tax to the quote
Suggested answer: B


asked 02/10/2024
Renata Maria DA SILVA
49 questions

An Architect is configuring the preload.keys for Redis on an Adobe Commerce on-premise instance.

The Architect discovers that the following cache keys are loaded on each frontend request: eav_entity_types, GLOBAL_PLUGIN_LIST, DB_IS_UP_TO_DATE , SYSTEM_DEFAULT.

• The id_prefix of the frontend =>page_cache is set to 061_.

• The id_prefix of frontend => default: is not set.

• The Architect has enabled and configured Redis L2 caching.

How should the preload.keys be configured?


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A third-party company needs to create an application that will integrate the Adobe Commerce system to get orders data for reporting. The integration needs access to the get /vi/orders endpoint.

It will call this endpoint automatically every hour around the clock. The merchant wants the ability to restrict or extend access to resources as well as to revoke the access using Admin Panel.

Which type of authentication available in Adobe Commerce should be used and implemented in a third-party system for this integration?

Use token-based authentication to obtain the Admin Token. The third-party system will utilize the REST endpoint using the admin username and password to get the Admin Token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
Use token-based authentication to obtain the Admin Token. The third-party system will utilize the REST endpoint using the admin username and password to get the Admin Token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.
Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.
Use token-based authentication to obtain an Integration Token. Integration will be created and activated in the admin panel using default integration token settings to get access to the token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
Use token-based authentication to obtain an Integration Token. Integration will be created and activated in the admin panel using default integration token settings to get access to the token, which will be used as the Bearer Token to authorize.
Suggested answer: B

According to the documentation1, token-based authentication is a simple way to access resources using an access token that is generated when an integration is activated. OAuth-based authentication is a more secure way to access resources using a consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret that are generated when an integration is registered and authorized.

Based on these definitions, I would say that the type of authentication that should be used and implemented in a third-party system for this integration is:

1. Use OAuth-based authentication to provide access to system resources. Integration will be registered by the merchant in the panel an OAuth handshake during activation. The third-party system should follow OAuth protocol to authorize.

asked 02/10/2024
Felix Imafidon
36 questions

An Adobe Commerce Architect is creating a new GraphQL API mutation to alter the process of adding configurable products to the cart. The mutation accepts configurable product ID. If the given product has only one variant, then the mutation should add this variant to the cart and return not nullable cart type. If the configurable product has more variants, then the mutation should return not nullable conf igurableProduct type.

The mutation declaration looks as follows:

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How should the Adobe Commerce Architect declare output of this mutation?


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Option A
Option A
Option B
Option B
Option C
Option C
Suggested answer: B
asked 02/10/2024
de jong arjen
50 questions

An Architect needs to create an additional regional UK website with its own website currency set to GBP in Adobe Commerce. An existing US website is using USD as a default base and website currency.

After the first week of sales in the new UK website, an administrator notices that all sales totals in Sales Orders report show £0.00.

How should this issue be resolved?

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