ISTQB ASTQB Practice Test - Questions Answers
List of questions
Question 1

What types of testing are particularly important for mobile applications based on the user's expectations?
While all of these are important, the user has particularly high expectations for the usability and performance of a mobile application.
Question 2

If an application resides on the mobile device and was written specifically for that device, what type of application is it?
An application that resides on the mobile device rather than on a web server and is written to work with a specific device is a native application.
Question 3

You are testing an application for a smart phone. You have determined that you only need to test one device from the target family of devices because the behavior of all devices in that family will be the same for this application.
This is an example of what test design technique?
This is an example of EP where all the members of the class are expected to behave in the same manner, therefore only one member of the class needs to be tested. Combinatorial technique is not the correct answer because that would be looking to reduce the set of test devices based on creating combinations to test.
Question 4

If you are testing a mobile application that is not safety-critical, which life cycle model is most likely to be used?
Agile, a form of iterative lifecycle models, is often used for developing mobile applications as are other iterative lifecycles. Waterfall and V-model would be used for safety-critical where more documentation and control is required. The "mobile model" doesn't yet exist but may in the future!
Question 5

Which of the following requirements documents would be the best source to determine normal usage scenarios?
Use cases should supply the expected usage scenarios. User stories are too brief to give the scenario view. Usability requirements generally focus on the user interface requirements rather than usage scenarios. Requirements specifications are notorious for not having much information regarding actual usage.
Question 6

In a project that is feature-rich but time-poor, which is the most reasonable approach to risk analysis?
B is correct since this is a time challenged project. If there were adequate time, A might be the right answer, depending on the criticality of the product. C is never a good idea since even minimal risk analysis is needed to focus the testing. D is risky because the interaction of the application with the physical capabilities of the device still need to be tested.
Question 7

If you are testing a mobile banking application, is it important to test the interaction between the software and the device?
Testing the physical device's interaction with the application is important. A is not correct because B is correct. C is not correct and a native application is developed for a specific device and is generally not portable. D is incorrect because devices have many, many features and testing all the features would be out of scope for the application under test.
Question 8

You are testing a native application for a smart phone. The application allows the user to make grocery lists on the phone and store up to three lists at a time. A list can contain up to 50 items.
Which of the following is the minimum set of test conditions to achieve 100% coverage with the equivalence partitioning test technique?
D is correct as it tests each condition with invalid too low, valid and invalid too high values. A is incorrect because it doesn't consider the list save capabilities and it doesn't test the invalid values for the list. B is incorrect because it is doing BVA which results in too many tests for minimum coverage with EP. C is incorrect because it does not sufficiently test the save feature.
Question 9

You are testing a native application for a smart phone. The application allows the user to make grocery lists on the phone and store up to three lists at a time. A list can contain up to 50 items.
Which of the following is the minimum set of test conditions to achieve 100% coverage with the boundary value analysis test technique?
B is correct because it is doing BVA on both the list quantity and the list saving capability. D is incorrect because it has achieved EP coverage, but didn't get the boundaries. A is incorrect because it doesn't consider the list save capabilities and it doesn't test the invalid values for the list. C is incorrect because it does not sufficiently test the save feature.
Question 10

Correctness can be defined as a combination of which two quality characteristics?
A is correct per the syllabus. The others are quality characteristics, but are not components of correctness.