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CBDE: BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
3 Quizzes
This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the exam and includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

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To develop smart contracts:

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Integrating the community into your testing:

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To get most out of the blockchain, it is best:

to use it for the whole business logic. It’s always best to have everything in once place.
to use it for the whole business logic. It’s always best to have everything in once place.
to use it only for things which need the benefits of the blockchain.
to use it only for things which need the benefits of the blockchain.
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Rajiesh George
44 questions

Loops in Solidity:

are a great way to circumvent gas requirements, because a loop will only consume gas once.
are a great way to circumvent gas requirements, because a loop will only consume gas once.
are dangerous when used with data structures that grow, such as arrays or mapping, because it is hard to estimate the gas requirements.
are dangerous when used with data structures that grow, such as arrays or mapping, because it is hard to estimate the gas requirements.
should be avoided where possible, because of unknown side-effects on the gas requirements.
should be avoided where possible, because of unknown side-effects on the gas requirements.
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Fadi Iraqi
42 questions

DApps are:

great, because they cut the middle man, run on a trusted platform, apply logic to the blockchain where already economic assets are running and thus allow peer to peer trade.
great, because they cut the middle man, run on a trusted platform, apply logic to the blockchain where already economic assets are running and thus allow peer to peer trade.
an amazing way to create new applications. Those applications run entirely separated from other applications on the platform and allow for logical interactions. They can't access any funds to add an additional layer of trust.
an amazing way to create new applications. Those applications run entirely separated from other applications on the platform and allow for logical interactions. They can't access any funds to add an additional layer of trust.
a new way of applying logical operations for banks and big financial institutions. This way they can reduce the staff while operating at increased security.
a new way of applying logical operations for banks and big financial institutions. This way they can reduce the staff while operating at increased security.
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Georgios Kavvalakis
36 questions

To generate a random number:

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Variables of the type address store:

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If we divide two integers:

5/2, the result is:

2, because the decimal is truncated.
2, because the decimal is truncated.
3, because it's always rounded.
3, because it's always rounded.
2.5, because it's automatically converted into a float.
2.5, because it's automatically converted into a float.
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Andrew Kavanagh
41 questions

Single line comments in Solidity are:

working with either // or ///
working with either // or ///
working with /* comment */ or /** @.. natspec style */
working with /* comment */ or /** @.. natspec style */
not possible, all comments must be multi-line.
not possible, all comments must be multi-line.
Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
carlos salgado
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Solidity gets compiled:

to bytecode that can't be understood by humans.
to bytecode that can't be understood by humans.
to bytecodes which are essentially opcodes running instruction by instruction.
to bytecodes which are essentially opcodes running instruction by instruction.
Suggested answer: B
asked 16/09/2024
Maria Janice Lecias
54 questions