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Blockchain CBDE Practice Test 2

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Solidity files:

can't be split across multiple files, everything should be in one single file.
can't be split across multiple files, everything should be in one single file.
can be split across multiple files, but every contract must be in a file with the same name as the contract itself.
can be split across multiple files, but every contract must be in a file with the same name as the contract itself.
can be spread across multiple files. To import all contract from a file you can use "import 'myfile.sol'. To import Contract MyContract from myfile.sol you use "import {MyContract as SomeContract} from 'myfile.sol';".
can be spread across multiple files. To import all contract from a file you can use "import 'myfile.sol'. To import Contract MyContract from myfile.sol you use "import {MyContract as SomeContract} from 'myfile.sol';".
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Suggested answer: C
asked 16/09/2024
Noor Amy
44 questions