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Question 11

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The key difference between encryption and hashing is that encrypted strings can be reversed back into their original decrypted form if you have the right key?

Suggested answer: A

Reference: https://www.securityinnovationeurope.com/blog/page/whats-the-difference-between-hashing-and-encrypting

asked 16/09/2024
Peter Kiraly
41 questions

Question 12

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What is a logic gate in electronics and computer science?

A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be both 1 and 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be both 1 and 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 3 inputs and gives out 2 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 3 inputs and gives out 2 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 6 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be both 1 and 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 6 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be both 1 and 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0.
A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0.
Suggested answer: D

A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0. A XOR logic gate takes in 2 binary inputs and gives out a high output ONLY when the inputs are different. Meaning, if A and B are inputted to a XOR gate then the out C will be 1 ONLY when A is not equal toB. Reference: https://blockgeeks.com/guides/cryptocurrencies-cryptography/

asked 16/09/2024
Hernan Rojas
53 questions

Question 13

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Ethereum is considered to be a ______________type of blockchain.

Permission Based
Permission Based
Suggested answer: A

Permissionless - anyone can join Anyone can run a node, run mining software/hardware, access a wallet and write data onto and transact within the blockchain (as long as they follow the rules of the bitcoin blockchain). There is no way to censor anyone, ever, on the permissionless bitcoin blockchain.

Reference: https://medium.com/@dustindreifuerst/permissioned-vs-permissionless-blockchains-acb8661ee095

asked 16/09/2024
Santanu Roy
36 questions

Question 14

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Your company working for is now considering the blockchain. They would like to perform a POC with R3 Corda. The CIO was reading about different blockchain consensus algos and would like to understand what type of consensus algos is used with Corda.

What is the best answer?

R3 Corda is a pluggable blockchain and allows the enterprise flexibility
R3 Corda is a pluggable blockchain and allows the enterprise flexibility
R3 Corda is a byzantine fault tolerant blokchain
R3 Corda is a byzantine fault tolerant blokchain
R3 Corda is a proof of stake based blockchain
R3 Corda is a proof of stake based blockchain
R3 Corda is a proof of work based blockchain
R3 Corda is a proof of work based blockchain
Suggested answer: A

Corda does not share the same requirements as Bitcoin: we require absolute certainty over transaction finality and we need to know who our counterparts are. So we had the freedom - and took this opportunity - to solve the consensus problem in a different way. In particular, Corda solves the privacy issue in a number of manners, primarily by allowing for separation of consensus into a service which we call the Notary Cluster. Corda was designed for business from the start. It has no cryptocurrency built into the platform and does not require mining-style consensus, which imposes great cost with little business benefit.

asked 16/09/2024
mariam alsallal
50 questions

Question 15

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Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) output is always 256 bits or 32 bytes in length regardless of the length of the input (even if input is millions of bytes). Select best answer.

NSA is spying on us so what's it matters.
NSA is spying on us so what's it matters.
Depends on input
Depends on input
Suggested answer: D

SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. This is used to prove data integrity. The same input(s) will always produce the exact same output. This output is always 256 bits or 32 bytes in length regardless of the length of the input (even if input is millions of bytes).

Reference: https://medium.com/all-things-ledger/bitcoins-implementation-of-blockchain-2be713f662c2

asked 16/09/2024
shubha sunil
39 questions

Question 16

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In the Ethereum EVM there are two types of memory areas. (Select two.)

Suggested answer: A, C

Reference: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction-to-smart-contracts.html#the-ethereum-virtual-machine

asked 16/09/2024
Roberto Garavaglia
50 questions

Question 17

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What are some advantages of Proof of Stake(POS) mining over Proof of Work(POW) mining? (Select three.)

Energy efficient in regards to that it could consume for electricity as compared to PoW
Energy efficient in regards to that it could consume for electricity as compared to PoW
Faster Hashing algorithms
Faster Hashing algorithms
No need for expensive compared to POW
No need for expensive compared to POW
Faster validations compared to POW
Faster validations compared to POW
Better blockchain security compared to POW
Better blockchain security compared to POW
Suggested answer: A, C, D

This eliminates the below challenges from PoW and believed to have an advantage.

No need of expensive hardware (a normal laptop or computer running the respective coin's Validator client will do as long as your laptop or computer is online) Energy efficient as it won't consume high electricity as PoW does More loyal Validators As higher the stake the Validators have for a long time, more chances for the Validator to be picked up for "forging" and earn the transaction fee Faster validations

Reference: https://medium.com/@karthik.seshu/cryptocurrency-proof-of-work-vs-proof-of-stake-e1eee1420b10

asked 16/09/2024
Laura Archilla
39 questions

Question 18

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Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) are used always in enterprise blockchains.

Suggested answer: B

ASICS are generally used in blockchains such as BTC that have a Proof of Work consensus due to competition Reference: https://www.trymining.com/pages/ asic-vs-gpu

asked 16/09/2024
Keletso Rafedile
39 questions

Question 19

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What type of encryption is shown below and is commonly used in blockchain cryptography?

Blockchain CBSA image Question 19 20280 09162024192153000000

Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Suggested answer: B

Asymmetric cryptography utilizes two different keys, a public key and a private to encrypt and decrypt a particular data. The use of one key cancels out the use of the other. Reference: https://blockgeeks.com/guides/cryptocurrencies-cryptography/

asked 16/09/2024
Vincent Meuldijk
46 questions

Question 20

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An encryption algorithm transforms plain text into cipher text using a key?

Suggested answer: A
asked 16/09/2024
Lukasz Malaczek
36 questions
Total 230 questions
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