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VMware 2V0-11.24 Practice Test 2

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A newly added ESXi host is not able to communicate with the vCenter Server.

What three steps should an administrator take to diagnose and resolve this issue? (Choose three.)

Verify the network configuration on the ESXi host

Verify the network configuration on the ESXi host

Check the license on the ESXi host

Check the license on the ESXi host

Use the vSphere Client to review the host's network settings

Use the vSphere Client to review the host's network settings

Ensure that the management network is correctly configured and reachable

Ensure that the management network is correctly configured and reachable

Restart the manaqement aqents on the ESXi host

Restart the manaqement aqents on the ESXi host

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Suggested answer: A, D, E

Verifying the network configuration on the ESXi host ensures that the host is correctly configured for network communication with the vCenter Server.

The management network must be properly configured and reachable from the ESXi host to communicate with the vCenter Server.

Restarting the management agents on the ESXi host can resolve issues related to communication between the ESXi host and vCenter Server, as sometimes the agents might become unresponsive.

asked 18/02/2025
BurtAnderson Carter
38 questions