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H13-311_V3.5: HCIA-AI V3.5

Exam Questions:
Last Updated
March - 2025
2 Quizzes

The H13-311_V3.5 exam, also known as Huawei Certified ICT Associate - Artificial Intelligence (HCIA-AI) V3.5, is a crucial certification for professionals in the field of artificial intelligence solutions. To increase your chances of passing, practicing with real exam questions shared by those who have succeeded can be invaluable. In this guide, we’ll provide you with practice test questions and answers, offering insights directly from candidates who have already passed the exam.

Why Use H13-311_V3.5 Practice Test?

  • Real Exam Experience: Our practice tests accurately replicate the format and difficulty of the actual H13-311_V3.5 exam, providing you with a realistic preparation experience.

  • Identify Knowledge Gaps: Practicing with these tests helps you identify areas where you need more study, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively.

  • Boost Confidence: Regular practice with exam-like questions builds your confidence and reduces test anxiety.

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Key Features of H13-311_V3.5 Practice Test:

  • Up-to-Date Content: Our community ensures that the questions are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam objectives and technology trends.

  • Detailed Explanations: Each question comes with detailed explanations, helping you understand the correct answers and learn from any mistakes.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The practice tests cover all key topics of the H13-311_V3.5 exam, including AI fundamentals, machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.

Exam Details:

  • Exam Number: H13-311_V3.5

  • Exam Name: Huawei Certified ICT Associate - Artificial Intelligence (HCIA-AI) V3.5

  • Length of Test: 90 minutes

  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions

  • Number of Questions: Approximately 60 questions

  • Passing Score: 60% (600/1000)

Use the member-shared H13-311_V3.5 Practice Tests to ensure you’re fully prepared for your certification exam. Start practicing today and take a significant step towards achieving your certification goals!

Huawei H13-311_V3.5 Practice Tests

Related questions

When you use MindSpore to execute the following code, which of the following is the output?

from mindspore import ops

import mindspore

shape = (2, 2)

ones = ops.Ones()

output = ones(shape, dtype=mindspore.float32)


[[1 1] [1 1]]
[[1 1] [1 1]]
[[1. 1.] [1. 1.]]
[[1. 1.] [1. 1.]]
[[1. 1. 1. 1.]]
[[1. 1. 1. 1.]]
Suggested answer: B

In MindSpore, using ops.Ones() with a specified shape and dtype=mindspore.float32 will create a tensor of ones with floating-point values. The output will be a 2x2 matrix filled with 1.0 values. The floating-point format (with a decimal point) ensures that the output is in the form of [[1. 1.], [1. 1.]].

asked 26/09/2024
Kimon Pope
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Which of the following is the order of tensor [[0,1],[2,3]]?

Suggested answer: C

The order of a tensor refers to its rank, which is the number of dimensions it has. For the tensor [[0,1],[2,3]], the rank is 2 because it is a 2x2 matrix, meaning it has 2 dimensions.

asked 26/09/2024
46 questions

In a hyperparameter-based search, the hyperparameters of a model are searched based on the data on and the model's performance metrics.

Suggested answer: A

In machine learning, hyperparameters are the parameters that govern the learning process and are not learned from the data. Hyperparameter optimization or hyperparameter tuning is a critical part of improving a model's performance. The goal of a hyperparameter-based search is to find the set of hyperparameters that maximizes the model's performance on a given dataset.

There are different techniques for hyperparameter tuning, such as grid search, random search, and more advanced methods like Bayesian optimization. The performance of the model is assessed based on evaluation metrics (like accuracy, precision, recall, etc.), and the hyperparameters are adjusted accordingly to achieve the best performance.

In Huawei's HCIA AI curriculum, hyperparameter optimization is discussed in relation to both traditional machine learning models and deep learning frameworks. The course emphasizes the importance of selecting appropriate hyperparameters and demonstrates how frameworks such as TensorFlow and Huawei's ModelArts platform can facilitate hyperparameter searches to optimize models efficiently.


AI Overview and Machine Learning Overview: Emphasize the importance of hyperparameters in model training.

Deep Learning Overview: Highlights the role of hyperparameter tuning in neural network architectures, including tuning learning rates, batch sizes, and other key parameters.

AI Development Frameworks: Discusses the use of hyperparameter search tools in platforms like TensorFlow and Huawei ModelArts.

asked 26/09/2024
46 questions

AI inference chips need to be optimized and are thus more complex than those used for training.

Suggested answer: B

AI inference chips are generally simpler than training chips because inference involves running a trained model on new data, which requires fewer computations compared to the training phase. Training chips need to perform more complex tasks like backpropagation, gradient calculations, and frequent parameter updates. Inference, on the other hand, mostly involves forward pass computations, making inference chips optimized for speed and efficiency but not necessarily more complex than training chips.

Thus, the statement is false because inference chips are optimized for simpler tasks compared to training chips.


Cutting-edge AI Applications: Describes the difference between AI inference and training chips, focusing on their respective optimizations.

Deep Learning Overview: Explains the distinction between the processes of training and inference, and how hardware is optimized accordingly.

asked 26/09/2024
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Which of the following are common gradient descent methods?

Batch gradient descent (BGD)
Batch gradient descent (BGD)
Mini-batch gradient descent (MBGD)
Mini-batch gradient descent (MBGD)
Multi-dimensional gradient descent (MDGD)
Multi-dimensional gradient descent (MDGD)
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
Suggested answer: A, B, D

The gradient descent method is a core optimization technique in machine learning, particularly for neural networks and deep learning models. The common gradient descent methods include:

Batch Gradient Descent (BGD): Updates the model parameters after computing the gradients from the entire dataset.

Mini-batch Gradient Descent (MBGD): Updates the model parameters using a small batch of data, combining the benefits of both batch and stochastic gradient descent.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): Updates the model parameters for each individual data point, leading to faster but noisier updates.

Multi-dimensional gradient descent is not a recognized method in AI or machine learning.

asked 26/09/2024
Darin Ambrose
43 questions

When learning the MindSpore framework, John learns how to use callbacks and wants to use it for AI model training. For which of the following scenarios can John use the callback?

Early stopping
Early stopping
Adjusting an activation function
Adjusting an activation function
Saving model parameters
Saving model parameters
Monitoring loss values during training
Monitoring loss values during training
Suggested answer: A, C, D

In MindSpore, callbacks can be used in various scenarios such as:

Early stopping: To stop training when the performance plateaus or certain criteria are met.

Saving model parameters: To save checkpoints during or after training using the ModelCheckpoint callback.

Monitoring loss values: To keep track of loss values during training using LossMonitor, allowing interventions if necessary.

Adjusting the activation function is not a typical use case for callbacks, as activation functions are usually set during model definition.

asked 26/09/2024
Thomas Kincer
40 questions

In a fully-connected structure, a hidden layer with 1000 neurons is used to process an image with the resolution of 100 x 100. Which of the following is the correct number of parameters?

Suggested answer: C

In a fully-connected layer, the number of parameters is calculated by multiplying the number of input features by the number of neurons in the hidden layer. For an image of resolution 100100=10,000100 \times 100 = 10,000100100=10,000 pixels and a hidden layer of 1,000 neurons, the total number of parameters is 10,0001,000=1,000,00010,000 \times 1,000 = 1,000,00010,0001,000=1,000,000.

asked 26/09/2024
Borja Arranz Palenzuela
46 questions

Which of the following statements are true about decision trees?

The common decision tree algorithms include ID3, C4.5, and CART.
The common decision tree algorithms include ID3, C4.5, and CART.
Quantitative indicators of purity can only be obtained by using information entropy.
Quantitative indicators of purity can only be obtained by using information entropy.
Building a decision tree means selecting feature attributes and determining their tree structure.
Building a decision tree means selecting feature attributes and determining their tree structure.
A key step to building a decision tree involves dividing all feature attributes and comparing the purity of the division's result sets.
A key step to building a decision tree involves dividing all feature attributes and comparing the purity of the division's result sets.
Suggested answer: A, C, D

A . TRUE. The common decision tree algorithms include ID3, C4.5, and CART. These are the most widely used algorithms for decision tree generation.

B . FALSE. Purity in decision trees can be measured using multiple metrics, such as information gain, Gini index, and others, not just information entropy.

C . TRUE. Building a decision tree involves selecting the best features and determining their order in the tree structure to split the data effectively.

D . TRUE. One key step in decision tree generation is evaluating the purity of different splits (e.g., how well the split segregates the target variable) by comparing metrics like information gain or Gini index.


Machine Learning Overview: Covers decision tree algorithms and their use cases.

Deep Learning Overview: While this focuses on neural networks, it touches on how decision-making algorithms are used in structured data models.

asked 26/09/2024
Ange YAO
45 questions

Which of the following statements about datasets are true?

Testing refers to a process that uses a trained model for prediction. The dataset, which is used for testing, is called a testing set, and each sample is called a test sample.
Testing refers to a process that uses a trained model for prediction. The dataset, which is used for testing, is called a testing set, and each sample is called a test sample.
A dataset generally has multiple dimensions. In each dimension, events or attributes that reflect the performance or nature of a sample in a particular aspect are called features.
A dataset generally has multiple dimensions. In each dimension, events or attributes that reflect the performance or nature of a sample in a particular aspect are called features.
In machine learning, a dataset is generally divided into a training set, validation set, and test set.
In machine learning, a dataset is generally divided into a training set, validation set, and test set.
When it comes to the machine learning process, the validation set and the test set are essentially the same.
When it comes to the machine learning process, the validation set and the test set are essentially the same.
Suggested answer: A, B, C

In machine learning:

The testing set is a dataset used after training to evaluate the model's performance and generalization ability. Each sample in this set is called a test sample.

A dataset generally has multiple dimensions, with each dimension representing a feature or attribute of the data.

A typical machine learning process divides the data into a training set (to train the model), a validation set (to tune hyperparameters and avoid overfitting), and a test set (to evaluate the model's final performance).

The statement that the validation set and test set are the same is false because they serve different purposes: validation is for hyperparameter tuning, while testing is for final model evaluation.

asked 26/09/2024
Nisanka Mandara
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When you use MindSpore to execute the following code, which of the following is the output?


Copy code

x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), dtype.int32)


Suggested answer: B

In MindSpore, when you define a tensor using Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), dtype.int32), the dtype attribute returns the data type of the tensor, which in this case is mindspore.int32. This specifies the type of elements in the tensor.

asked 26/09/2024
Wilfried Wagener
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