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Huawei H13-311_V3.5 Practice Test 1

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When learning the MindSpore framework, John learns how to use callbacks and wants to use it for AI model training. For which of the following scenarios can John use the callback?

Early stopping
Early stopping
Adjusting an activation function
Adjusting an activation function
Saving model parameters
Saving model parameters
Monitoring loss values during training
Monitoring loss values during training
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Suggested answer: A, C, D

In MindSpore, callbacks can be used in various scenarios such as:

Early stopping: To stop training when the performance plateaus or certain criteria are met.

Saving model parameters: To save checkpoints during or after training using the ModelCheckpoint callback.

Monitoring loss values: To keep track of loss values during training using LossMonitor, allowing interventions if necessary.

Adjusting the activation function is not a typical use case for callbacks, as activation functions are usually set during model definition.

asked 26/09/2024
Thomas Kincer
40 questions

Huawei H13-311_V3.5 Practice Tests