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HP HPE2-N69 Practice Test 1

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You are helping a customer start to implement hyper parameter optimization (HPO) with HPE Machine learning Development Environment. An ML engineer is putting together an experiment config file with the desired Adaptive A5HA settings. The engineer asks you questions, such as how many trials will be trained on the max length and what the min length for all trials will be.

What should you explain?

The engineer should run the "det preview-search" command, referencing the experiment config.
The engineer should run the "det preview-search" command, referencing the experiment config.
The engineer should access the HPE Machine Learning Development online calculator and input the mode, max_trials, max_length, divisor, and max_runs.
The engineer should access the HPE Machine Learning Development online calculator and input the mode, max_trials, max_length, divisor, and max_runs.
The engineer should upload the experiment config to the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment WebUl and view the graph of the experiment plan.
The engineer should upload the experiment config to the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment WebUl and view the graph of the experiment plan.
The engineer should run a preliminary experiment with one tenth the desired number of max trials, assess the results, and then run the full experiment.
The engineer should run a preliminary experiment with one tenth the desired number of max trials, assess the results, and then run the full experiment.
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Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
Yousuf Shahzad
43 questions

HP HPE2-N69 Practice Tests