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Google Looker Business Analyst Practice Test - Questions Answers

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Question 1

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Two weeks into the third quarter, an analyst needs to determine the total order count per month for only the first two quarters.

How should the analyst filter the query?

Created Month "is in the first 2 quarters"
Created Month "is in the first 2 quarters"
Created Month "is in the past 2 complete quarters"
Created Month "is in the past 2 complete quarters"
Created Month "is in the past 2 quarters"
Created Month "is in the past 2 quarters"
Created Month "is in the last 6 months"
Created Month "is in the last 6 months"
Suggested answer: C
asked 18/09/2024
Ariel Acosta
44 questions

Question 2

Report Export Collapse

An analyst needs to send a Look to an external client in CSV format. When the data is being downloaded, the Limit section has the option to select All Results grayed out, with text reading "All Results Unavailable." What are three causes of this message? (Choose three.)

The Row Limit chosen in the Look is too high.
The Row Limit chosen in the Look is too high.
There is a table calculation in the Look.
There is a table calculation in the Look.
Unlimited results are unsupported by CSV format.
Unlimited results are unsupported by CSV format.
The Row Totals option is turned on in the Look.
The Row Totals option is turned on in the Look.
There is a Running Total measure in the Look.
There is a Running Total measure in the Look.
The Totals option is turned on in the Look.
The Totals option is turned on in the Look.
Suggested answer: A, B, D

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/sharing-and-publishing/downloading

Google Looker Business Analyst image Question 2 explanation 28223 09182024191235000000

asked 18/09/2024
Duc Hai
46 questions

Question 3

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An analyst adds a Day dimension and a Signup Count measure to an Explore to show the number of new users added per day. The analyst wants to add a metric that increases by the number of new users per day, on a rolling basis.

How should that metric be calculated?

Add a Sum measure to the Explore and re-run the query.
Add a Sum measure to the Explore and re-run the query.
Add a table calculation that calls running_portal (${users.signup_count})
Add a table calculation that calls running_portal (${users.signup_count})
Add a custom measure of type: running_total
Add a custom measure of type: running_total
Add a table calculation that calls ${users.signup_count:total}
Add a table calculation that calls ${users.signup_count:total}
Suggested answer: A

Reference: https://help.looker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023904433-Using-datagroups-with-Cascading-PDTs

Google Looker Business Analyst image Question 3 explanation 28224 09182024191235000000

asked 18/09/2024
Lionel Fitzgerald Gweth
46 questions

Question 4

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An analyst wants to schedule a dashboard in a way that makes it easier for viewing on a mobile device or for viewing a printout of the dashboard.

How can the analyst set up a schedule to accomplish this?

Check Use single column layout in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Check Use single column layout in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Check Expand tables in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Check Expand tables in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Select the paper size Tabloid with orientation Landscape in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Select the paper size Tabloid with orientation Landscape in the Advanced options section of the scheduler.
Select Run schedule as recipient in the Advanced options section of the scheduler, and edit the recipient's user attribute preferences to be individual_images.
Select Run schedule as recipient in the Advanced options section of the scheduler, and edit the recipient's user attribute preferences to be individual_images.
Suggested answer: A
asked 18/09/2024
fadi kako
47 questions

Question 5

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A business analyst is creating an Explore that shows the number of hotel rooms booked per week, by room type. The analyst is using a Week dimension and a Count measure, and is provisioning on a Room Type dimension. Looking at the results, the Count of King rooms seems unusually low one week.

What should the analyst do to further investigate the low numbers?

Run the Explore again to make sure the results are the same.
Run the Explore again to make sure the results are the same.
Click on the Count measure where it is low to drill in to it.
Click on the Count measure where it is low to drill in to it.
Click on the Room Type dimension where it is King to drill in to it.
Click on the Room Type dimension where it is King to drill in to it.
Remove the pivot on the Room Type dimension and re-run the Explore.
Remove the pivot on the Room Type dimension and re-run the Explore.
Suggested answer: B
asked 18/09/2024
Christian Knarvik
46 questions

Question 6

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An analyst is trying to rank companies in an Explore and visualize the rank as a column chart. The analyst selects the Brand Name dimension and the Rank dimension. They then select the column chart visualization type, but receive the error "Measure, time or numeric field required: Column graphs require at least one dimension or for the first dimension field to be of type: number or type: time".

How can the analyst resolve this error while showing the rank as a column visualization?

Pivot the Explore by the Brand Name dimension.
Pivot the Explore by the Brand Name dimension.
Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that multiplies the dimension by 1.0 using the syntax ${dimension}*1.0. Then hide the measure from the Explore.
Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that multiplies the dimension by 1.0 using the syntax ${dimension}*1.0. Then hide the measure from the Explore.
Pivot the Explore by brand Rank.
Pivot the Explore by brand Rank.
Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that adds the Rank dimension to the measure multiplied by zero using the syntax ${dimension} + (${measure}*0). Then hide the measure from the Explore.
Select a measure to include in the Explore, then create a table calculation that adds the Rank dimension to the measure multiplied by zero using the syntax ${dimension} + (${measure}*0). Then hide the measure from the Explore.
Suggested answer: D

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/exploring-data/using-table-calculations

Google Looker Business Analyst image Question 6 explanation 28227 09182024191235000000

asked 18/09/2024
Edward Morgan
44 questions

Question 7

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An analyst has created a line chart with Value Labels enabled, but the values are too long and need to be abbreviated.

Which visualization option should the analyst utilize to alter the display of the value labels?

Axis Value Labels
Axis Value Labels
Value Format
Value Format
Label Rotation
Label Rotation
Time Label Format
Time Label Format
Suggested answer: B

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/exploring-data/visualizing-query-results/line-options

asked 18/09/2024
David Fernando del Villar
47 questions

Question 8

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An analyst needs to send a daily PDF to three different stores and wants it to contain five visualizations of KPI data. Each store's users must receive only the data filtered for that store. The analyst needs to see all store data in Looker.

What should the analyst build to accommodate these requirements?

Three dashboards, one for each store
Three dashboards, one for each store
Three schedules filtered by store
Three schedules filtered by store
Five schedules, one for each visualization
Five schedules, one for each visualization
A dashboard with three filters, one for each store
A dashboard with three filters, one for each store
Suggested answer: D
asked 18/09/2024
Mark David
49 questions

Question 9

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An analyst has a dashboard with table visualizations that display the first few results, and the user can scroll down to see the remaining results. The analyst wants to download a PDF of the dashboard.

How should the analyst ensure that the PDF shows all available results in the UI dashboard?

Select the Expand Tables option.
Select the Expand Tables option.
Select the All Results option
Select the All Results option
Select the Allow Scroll option and specify each table.
Select the Allow Scroll option and specify each table.
Select the Paper Size option and specify a large size.
Select the Paper Size option and specify a large size.
Suggested answer: A

Reference: https://docs.looker.com/sharing-and-publishing/downloading

Google Looker Business Analyst image Question 9 explanation 28230 09182024191235000000

asked 18/09/2024
Abbas Ali
40 questions

Question 10

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An executive needs to receive a dashboard every morning with data for the previous day only. The dashboard currently has a date filter defined. The executive must receive only the data requested, and the dashboard data needs to remain unchanged for all other users.

What should the analyst do to meet this requirement?

Filter the dashboard for the advanced value "yesterday", and create a new schedule.
Filter the dashboard for the advanced value "yesterday", and create a new schedule.
Edit the dashboard data filters default value to be the previous day's date, and create a new schedule.
Edit the dashboard data filters default value to be the previous day's date, and create a new schedule.
Create a new schedule and modify the filter's default value to the previous day's date.
Create a new schedule and modify the filter's default value to the previous day's date.
Create a new schedule and modify the schedule filter to be the advanced value "yesterday".
Create a new schedule and modify the schedule filter to be the advanced value "yesterday".
Suggested answer: B
asked 18/09/2024
Lawrence Bargers
37 questions
Total 40 questions
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