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The Open Group OG0-023 Practice Test 1

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Consider the following diagram:

The Open Group OG0-023 image Question 1 76662 09232024004956000000

Which of the following best describes what this diagram represents?

A device with two system software environments. Two artifacts are deployed in one system software environment, and one artifact is deployed in the other environment
A device with two system software environments. Two artifacts are deployed in one system software environment, and one artifact is deployed in the other environment
A node with two devices. Two artifacts are deployed in one device, and one artifact is deployed in the other device
A node with two devices. Two artifacts are deployed in one device, and one artifact is deployed in the other device
A node with two system software environments. Two artifacts are deployed in one system software environment, and one artifact is deployed in the other environment
A node with two system software environments. Two artifacts are deployed in one system software environment, and one artifact is deployed in the other environment
A node with two application components. Two artifacts are deployed in one application component, and one artifact is deployed in the other components
A node with two application components. Two artifacts are deployed in one application component, and one artifact is deployed in the other components
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Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Thembinkosi Sibiya
40 questions