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The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 9

Question list

Question 81


Which one of the following is the practice by which the enterprise architecture and other architectures are managed and controlled at an enterprise level?

Architecture governance
Architecture governance
Corporate governance
Corporate governance
IT governance
IT governance
Technology governance
Technology governance
The program management office
The program management office
Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Ruben Campoy
39 questions

Question 82


Which one of the following does TOGAF Part VII recommend in order to implement an Enterprise Architecture Capability?

Develop an Architecture Roadmap
Develop an Architecture Roadmap
Populate the Architecture Repository
Populate the Architecture Repository
Populate the Enterprise Continuum
Populate the Enterprise Continuum
Use the Architecture Development Method
Use the Architecture Development Method
Use the Implementation Governance Phase
Use the Implementation Governance Phase
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Raza Todorovac
44 questions

Question 83


Which one of the following is an essential aspect of architecture governance?

Authoring the Architecture Definition Document
Authoring the Architecture Definition Document
Ensuring the compliance of individual projects to the enterprise architecture
Ensuring the compliance of individual projects to the enterprise architecture
Controlling the implementation and deployment organizations
Controlling the implementation and deployment organizations
Authoring the Communications Plan for a given architecture project
Authoring the Communications Plan for a given architecture project
Conducting Business Scenarios
Conducting Business Scenarios
Suggested answer: B
asked 23/09/2024
Gilbert Ciepluch
48 questions

Question 84


Which one of the following describes a purpose of an Architecture Compliance review?

To define the capabilities of the organization
To define the capabilities of the organization
To communicate the technical readiness of the project
To communicate the technical readiness of the project
To evaluate the readiness of the organization to undergo change
To evaluate the readiness of the organization to undergo change
To produce a new Request for Architecture Work
To produce a new Request for Architecture Work
Suggested answer: B
asked 23/09/2024
Oeurn Chan
28 questions

Question 85


Complete the sentence by selecting the applicable pair of words. According to TOGAF, a/an _____ is used to describe the ____ of a stakeholder.

activity model, perspective
activity model, perspective
viewpoint, requirements
viewpoint, requirements
view, concerns
view, concerns
Node Connectivity Diagram, interconnections
Node Connectivity Diagram, interconnections
Architecture trade-off analysis, constraints
Architecture trade-off analysis, constraints
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Han Valk
46 questions

Question 86


Complete the sentence. In TOGAF, every architecture view has an associated ____ that describes it, at least implicitly.

architecture building block
architecture building block
architecture model
architecture model
architecture vision
architecture vision
Suggested answer: E
asked 23/09/2024
amy ashton
39 questions

Question 87


Which one of the following statements about TOGAF Building Blocks is NOT true?

They are a package of functionality intended to meet the business needs across the organization
They are a package of functionality intended to meet the business needs across the organization
They should have stable, published interfaces that allow other building blocks to interoperate with them
They should have stable, published interfaces that allow other building blocks to interoperate with them
They are equivalent to software component objects or web services
They are equivalent to software component objects or web services
They may have multiple implementations but with different, interdependent Building Blocks
They may have multiple implementations but with different, interdependent Building Blocks
They may be assembled from other Building Blocks
They may be assembled from other Building Blocks
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Quintin van Rooyen
44 questions

Question 88


Complete the sentence. In TOGAF, legacy systems and processes that are going to be used again in the future are considered ______

Architecture Building Blocks
Architecture Building Blocks
Re-usable Building Blocks
Re-usable Building Blocks
Solution Building Blocks
Solution Building Blocks
Suggested answer: D
asked 23/09/2024
Mohsin Raza
43 questions

Question 89


Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of the Architecture Requirements Specification?

A document that triggers the start of an architecture development cycle
A document that triggers the start of an architecture development cycle
A qualitative view of the solution to communicate the intent of the architect
A qualitative view of the solution to communicate the intent of the architect
A quantitative view of the solution to measure the implementation
A quantitative view of the solution to measure the implementation
A record of deviations from the planned architectural approach
A record of deviations from the planned architectural approach
Suggested answer: C
asked 23/09/2024
Wellington Rodrigues da Costa
34 questions

Question 90


Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the Communications Plan?

To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
To ensure that architecture information is communicated to the right stakeholders at the right time
To evangelize the architecture to the end user community
To evangelize the architecture to the end user community
To keep the Architecture Review Board informed of changes to the architecture
To keep the Architecture Review Board informed of changes to the architecture
To ensure that the outcomes of a Compliance Assessment are distributed to the members of the Architecture Review Board
To ensure that the outcomes of a Compliance Assessment are distributed to the members of the Architecture Review Board
Suggested answer: A
asked 23/09/2024
Rudrappa Sarvi
37 questions
Total 296 questions
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