The Open Group OGEA-101 Practice Test - Questions Answers
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Question 1

What is an objective of the ADM Preliminary Phase?
The Preliminary Phase is the preparatory phase of the Architecture Development Method (ADM) cycle, which sets the context and direction for the architecture work. One of the objectives of this phase is to select and implement tools to support the Architecture Capability, which is the ability of an organization to perform enterprise architecture effectively and efficiently. Tools can include software applications, methods, techniques, standards, and frameworks that assist the architecture development and governance processes.The selection and implementation of tools should be based on the requirements and constraints of the organization, and the alignment with the Architecture Principles and the Architecture Vision3Reference:3: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part II: Architecture Development Method (ADM), Chapter 6: Preliminary Phase : The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part VI: Architecture Capability Framework, Chapter 45: Establishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture Capability : The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part VI: Architecture Capability Framework, Chapter 46: Tools for Architecture Development
Question 2

Consider the following descriptions of deliverables consumed and produced across the TOGAF ADM cycle.
1-General rules and guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended, that inform and support the way in which an organization sets about fulfilling its mission
1-The joint agreements between development partners and sponsors on the deliverables, quality, and fitness-for-purpose of an architecture.
1-A document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization to trigger the start of an architecture development cycle
1-A set of quantitative statements that outline what an implementation project must do in order to comply with the architecture.
Which deliverables match these descriptions?
According to the TOGAF standard, the deliverables that match the descriptions are as follows:
1 Architecture Principles: These are general rules and guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended, that inform and support the way in which an organization sets about fulfilling its mission1.They reflect a level of consensus among the various elements of the enterprise, and form the basis for making future IT decisions1.
2 Architecture Contracts: These are the joint agreements between development partners and sponsors on the deliverables, quality, and fitness-for-purpose of an architecture2.They are used to ensure that the architecture is implemented and governed according to the agreed-upon specifications and standards2.
3 Request for Architecture Work: This is a document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization to trigger the start of an architecture development cycle3.It defines the scope, schedule, budget, deliverables, and stakeholders of the architecture project3.
4 Architecture Requirements Specification: This is a set of quantitative statements that outline what an implementation project must do in order to comply with the architecture4.It defines the requirements for each architecture domain, as well as the relationships and dependencies among them4.
Question 3

What can architects present to stakeholders to extract hidden agendas, principles, and requirements that could impact the final Target Architecture?
According to the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, anarchitecture viewis a representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns1.It consists of one or more architecture models that demonstrate how the system addresses the stakeholder concerns1.
Anarchitecture viewpointis a specification of the conventions for constructing and using an architecture view to address specific stakeholder concerns1.It defines the perspective, scope, notation, and techniques for creating an architecture view of a system1.
Architects can present architecture views and viewpoints to stakeholders to extract hidden agendas, principles, and requirements that could impact the final Target Architecture, because23:
oArchitecture views and viewpoints help to communicate and visualize the architecture in a way that is meaningful and relevant to different stakeholders, addressing their specific interests and needs.
oArchitecture views and viewpoints help to elicit and validate the stakeholder concerns and requirements, ensuring that they are aligned with the business goals and objectives, and that they are consistent and feasible within the architecture context.
oArchitecture views and viewpoints help to identify and resolve any conflicts, gaps, or trade-offs among the stakeholder concerns and requirements, ensuring that they are balanced and prioritized in the architecture design and decision-making.
oArchitecture views and viewpoints help to demonstrate and verify the value and benefits of the architecture to the stakeholders, ensuring that they are satisfied and committed to the architecture outcome and governance.
1: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Chapter 22: Architecture Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholders
2: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Chapter 4: Introduction to Part II, Section 4.2: What is an Architecture Framework?
3: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Chapter 31: Architectural Artifacts, Section 31.1: Basic Concepts
Question 4

Which of the following best describes the need for the ADM process to be governed?
According to the TOGAF standard, the need for the ADM process to be governed is to ensure that the architecture development and implementation activities are conducted in a consistent, coherent, and compliant manner1. Governance provides the means to verify that the method is being applied correctly and effectively, and that the architecture deliverables and artifacts meet the quality and standards criteria1. Governance also enables the management of risks, issues, changes, and dependencies that may arise during the ADM process1.
Some of the benefits of governing the ADM process are2:
* Improved alignment of the architecture with the business strategy and objectives
* Enhanced stakeholder engagement and communication
* Increased reuse and integration of architecture assets and resources
* Reduced complexity and duplication of architecture efforts
* Increased agility and adaptability of the architecture to changing needs and requirements
* Improved compliance and auditability of the architecture outcomes and outputs
Question 5

Complete the sentence. The key purpose of Gap Analysis is to _____
Gap Analysis is a technique that compares the Baseline Architecture and the Target Architecture to identify the differences and gaps between them. The purpose of this technique is to determine the changes and additions that are required to achieve the desired future state of the architecture. One of the main aspects of Gap Analysis is to identify the functions that are missing or overlapping in the current and future architectures, and to plan how to address them.This helps to ensure that the architecture is complete, consistent, and aligned with the business objectives and requirements3
Question 6

Consider the following statements.
1. All processes, decision-making, and mechanisms used will be established so as to minimize or avoid potential conflicts of interest.
2. More effective strategic decision-making will be made by C-Level executives and business leaders.
3. All actions implemented and their decision support will be available for inspection by authorized organization and provider parties.
4. Digital Transformation and operations will be more effective and efficient.
Which statements highlight the value and necessity for Architecture Governance to be adopted within organizations?
Statements 1 and 3 highlight the value and necessity for Architecture Governance to be adopted within organizations. Architecture Governance is the practice and orientation by which Enterprise Architectures and other architectures are managed and controlled at an enterprise-wide level12. It ensures that architectural decisions are aligned with the organization's strategy, objectives, and standards. Architecture Governance also involves establishing and maintaining processes, decision-making, and mechanisms to avoid or minimize potential conflicts of interest, such as between different stakeholders, business units, or projects34. Moreover, Architecture Governance requires transparency and accountability for all actions implemented and their decision support, so that they can be inspected and evaluated by authorized parties, such as auditors, regulators, or customers5 .
* The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Architecture Governance - The Open Group
* Architecture Governance - The Open Group
* Tutorial: Governance in TOGAF's Architecture Development Method (ADM)
* Architecture Governance in TOGAF: Ensuring Effective Management and Compliance
* The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Definitions - The Open Group
* [Architecture Governance in TOGAF: Ensuring Alignment and Control]
Question 7

What does the TOGAF ADM recommend for use in developing an Architecture Vision document?
Business scenarios are a technique recommended by the TOGAF ADM for use in developing an Architecture Vision document12. Business scenarios are a means of capturing the business requirements and drivers, the processes and actors involved, and the desired outcomes and measures of success34. Business scenarios help to create a common vision and understanding among the stakeholders, and to identify and validate the architecture requirements . Business scenarios also provide a basis for analyzing the impact and value of the proposed architecture.
* The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Phase A: Architecture Vision - The Open Group
* TOGAF Standard --- Introduction - Phase A: Architecture Vision
* The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Definitions - The Open Group
* Business Scenarios - The Open Group
* [The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Architecture Requirements Specification - The Open Group]
* [The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Architecture Vision - The Open Group]
* [The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Business Transformation Readiness Assessment - The Open Group]
Question 8

Consider the following chart:
Which important concept for Enterprise Architecture Practitioners does it illustrate?
The chart shown is a Gantt chart, which is commonly used for project management to illustrate a project schedule. In the context of TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), which is a framework for enterprise architecture, this Gantt chart is demonstrating the sequenced approach to the Architecture Development Method (ADM). The ADM is the core process of TOGAF which provides a tested and repeatable process for developing architectures. The ADM is described as being iterative, over the whole process, between phases, and within phases. For each iteration of the ADM, a fresh decision must be taken about each of the parameters (scope, granularity, time period, and architecture assets).
The ADM consists of a number of phases that have to be followed in sequence:
Preliminary Phase: Framework and principles
Phase A: Architecture Vision
Phase B: Business Architecture
Phase C: Information Systems Architectures, including Data and Application Architectures
Phase D: Technology Architecture
Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions
Phase F: Migration Planning
Phase G: Implementation Governance
Phase H: Architecture Change Management
Requirements Management
Each phase is dependent on the outputs of the previous phase and the Requirements Management phase runs throughout. The Gantt chart clearly shows the dependency and sequence in which these phases occur, implying that a structured approach is followed to produce the enterprise architecture.
The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, a standard of The Open Group
The TOGAF documentation available at and
Question 9

What should be put in place through organization structures, roles, responsibilities, skills and processes to carry out architectural activity effectively?
An EA Capability is the ability of an organization to perform enterprise architecture effectively and efficiently. It involves establishing and maintaining the appropriate organization structures, roles, responsibilities, skills, processes, tools, and governance mechanisms to support the development and use of enterprise architecture.An EA Capability enables the organization to align its business and IT strategies, deliver value from its investments, manage change and complexity, and improve its performance and agility12Reference:1: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part VI: Architecture Capability Framework, Chapter 44: Introduction2: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part VI: Architecture Capability Framework, Chapter 45: Establishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture Capability
Question 10

Complete the sentence. Actions arising from the Business Transformation Readiness Assessment technique should be incorporated in the
The Business Transformation Readiness Assessment technique is used to evaluate the readiness of the organization to undergo change and to identify the actions needed to increase the likelihood of a successful business transformation. These actions should be incorporated in the Implementation and Migration Plan, which is the detailed plan to transition from the Baseline Architecture to the Target Architecture.The Implementation and Migration Plan also includes the Transition Architectures, the Architecture Building Blocks, the Work Packages, the Implementation Governance Model, and the Architecture Contract12Reference:1: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, Chapter 27: Business Transformation Readiness Assessment2: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part II: Architecture Development Method (ADM), Chapter 21: Phase F: Migration Planning