Snowflake SnowPro Core Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 2
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Question 11

Which data type can be used to store geospatial data in Snowflake?
Snowflake supports two geospatial data types:GEOGRAPHYandGEOMETRY. TheGEOGRAPHYdata type is used to store geospatial data that models the Earth as a perfect sphere, which is suitable for global geospatial data. This data type follows the WGS 84 standard and is used for storing points, lines, and polygons on the Earth's surface. TheGEOMETRYdata type, on the other hand, represents features in a planar (Euclidean, Cartesian) coordinate system and is typically used for local spatial reference systems.Since the question specifically asks about geospatial data, which commonly refers to Earth-related spatial data, the correct answer isGEOGRAPHY3.Reference:[COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Question 12

What can be used to view warehouse usage over time? (Select Two).
To view warehouse usage over time, the Query history view and the WAREHOUSE_METERING__HISTORY View can be utilized.The Query history view allows users to monitor the performance of their queries and the load on their warehouses over a specified period1.The WAREHOUSE_METERING__HISTORY View provides detailed information about the workload on a warehouse within a specified date range, including average running and queued loads2.Reference:[COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Question 13

Which Snowflake partner specializes in data catalog solutions?
Alation is known for specializing in data catalog solutions and is a partner of Snowflake. Data catalog solutions are essential for organizations to effectively manage their metadata and make it easily accessible and understandable for users, which aligns with the capabilities provided by Alation.
[COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Snowflake's official documentation and partner listings
Question 14

What is the MOST performant file format for loading data in Snowflake?
Parquet is a columnar storage file format that is optimized for performance in Snowflake. It is designed to be efficient for both storage and query performance, particularly for complex queries on large datasets. Parquet files support efficient compression and encoding schemes, which can lead to significant savings in storage and speed in query processing, making it the most performant file format for loading data into Snowflake.
[COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Snowflake Documentation on Data Loading1
Question 15

Which copy INTO command outputs the data into one file?
TheCOPY INTOcommand in Snowflake can be configured to output data into a single file by setting theMAX_FILE_NUMBERoption to 1. This option limits the number of files generated by the command, ensuring that only one file is created regardless of the amount of data being exported.
[COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Snowflake Documentation on Data Unloading
Question 16

The fail-safe retention period is how many days?
Fail-safe is a feature in Snowflake that provides an additional layer of data protection. After the Time Travel retention period ends, Fail-safe offers a non-configurable 7-day period during which historical data may be recoverable by Snowflake. This period is designed to protect against accidental data loss and is not intended for customer access.
Question 17

True or False: A 4X-Large Warehouse may, at times, take longer to provision than a X-Small Warehouse.
Provisioning time can vary based on the size of the warehouse. A4X-Large Warehousetypically has more resources and may take longer to provision compared to aX-Small Warehouse, which has fewer resources and can generally be provisioned more quickly.Reference:Understanding and viewing Fail-safe | Snowflake Documentation
Question 18

How would you determine the size of the virtual warehouse used for a task?
The size of the virtual warehouse for a task can be configured to handle concurrency automatically using a Multi-cluster warehouse (MCW). This is because tasks are designed to run their body on a schedule, and MCW allows for scaling compute resources to match the task's execution needs without manual intervention.Reference: [COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
Question 19

The Information Schema and Account Usage Share provide storage information for which of the following objects? (Choose three.)
The Information Schema and Account Usage Share in Snowflake provide metadata and historical usage data for various objects within a Snowflake account. Specifically, they offer storage information forTables,Databases, andInternal Stages. These schemas contain views and table functions that allow users to query object metadata and usage metrics, such as the amount of data stored and historical activity.
Tables: The storage information includes data on the daily average amount of data in database tables.
Databases: For databases, the storage usage is calculated based on all the data contained within the database, including tables and stages.
Internal Stages: Internal stages are locations within Snowflake for temporarily storing data, and their storage usage is also tracked.
Question 20

What is the default File Format used in the COPY command if one is not specified?
The default file format for the COPY command in Snowflake, when not specified, is CSV (Comma-Separated Values). This format is widely used for data exchange because it is simple, easy to read, and supported by many data analysis tools.