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Splunk SPLK-1002 Practice Test - Questions Answers, Page 7

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Question 61


Which delimiters can the Field Extractor (FX) detect? (select all that apply)

Suggested answer: B, C, D


The Field Extractor (FX) is a tool that helps you extract fields from your data using delimiters or regular expressions. Delimiters are characters or strings that separate fields in your data. The FX can detect some common delimiters automatically, such as pipes (|), spaces ( ), commas (,), semicolons (;), etc. The FX cannot detect tabs (\t) as delimiters automatically, but you can specify them manually in the FX interface.

asked 23/09/2024
Kinshuk Choubisa
44 questions

Question 62


Which of the following statements is true, especially in large environments?

Use the scats command when you next to group events by two or more fields.
Use the scats command when you next to group events by two or more fields.
The stats command is faster and more efficient than the transaction command
The stats command is faster and more efficient than the transaction command
The transaction command is faster and more efficient than the stats command.
The transaction command is faster and more efficient than the stats command.
Use the transaction command when you want to see the results of a calculation.
Use the transaction command when you want to see the results of a calculation.
Suggested answer: B


The stats command is faster and more efficient than the transaction command, especially in large environments. The stats command is used to calculate summary statistics on the events, such as count, sum, average, etc. The stats command can group events by one or more fields or by time buckets. The stats command does not create new events from groups of events, but rather creates new fields with statistical values. The transaction command is used to group events into transactions based on some common characteristics, such as fields, time, or both. The transaction command creates new events from groups of events that share one or more fields. The transaction command also creates some additional fields for each transaction, such as duration, eventcount, startime, etc. The transaction command is slower and more resource-intensive than the stats command because it has to process more data and create more events and fields.

asked 23/09/2024
Roger Perez Espitia
38 questions

Question 63


Which of the following are required to create a POST workflow action?

Label, URI, search string.
Label, URI, search string.
XMI attributes, URI, name.
XMI attributes, URI, name.
Label, URI, post arguments.
Label, URI, post arguments.
URI, search string, time range picker.
URI, search string, time range picker.
Suggested answer: C


POST workflow actions are custom actions that send a POST request to a web server when you click on a field value in your search results. POST workflow actions can be configured with various options, such as label name, base URL, URI parameters, post arguments, app context, etc. One of the options that are required to create a POST workflow action is post arguments. Post arguments are key-value pairs that are sent in the body of the POST request to provide additional information to the web server. Post arguments can include field values from your data by using dollar signs around the field names.

asked 23/09/2024
Christian Knarvik
39 questions

Question 64


Which of the following statements describe the search below? (select all that apply)

Index=main I transaction clientip host maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

Events in the transaction occurred within 5 seconds.
Events in the transaction occurred within 5 seconds.
It groups events that share the same clientip and host.
It groups events that share the same clientip and host.
The first and last events are no more than 5 seconds apart.
The first and last events are no more than 5 seconds apart.
The first and last events are no more than 30 seconds apart.
The first and last events are no more than 30 seconds apart.
Suggested answer: A, B, D


The search below groups events by two or more fields (clientip and host), creates transactions with start and end constraints (maxspan=30s and maxpause=5s), and calculates the duration of each transaction.

index=main | transaction clientip host maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

The search does the following:

It filters the events by the index main, which is a default index in Splunk that contains all data that is not sent to other indexes.

It uses the transaction command to group events into transactions based on two fields: clientip and host. The transaction command creates new events from groups of events that share the same clientip and host values.

It specifies the start and end constraints for the transactions using the maxspan and maxpause arguments. The maxspan argument sets the maximum time span between the first and last events in a transaction. The maxpause argument sets the maximum time span between any two consecutive events in a transaction. In this case, the maxspan is 30 seconds and the maxpause is 5 seconds, meaning that any transaction that has a longer time span or pause will be split into multiple transactions.

It creates some additional fields for each transaction, such as duration, eventcount, startime, etc. The duration field shows the time span between the first and last events in a transaction.

asked 23/09/2024
Tania Trif
50 questions

Question 65


Given the macro definition below, what should be entered into the Name and Arguments fileds to correctly configured the macro?

Splunk SPLK-1002 image Question 65 75099 09232024004532000000

The macro name is sessiontracker and the arguments are action, JESSIONID.
The macro name is sessiontracker and the arguments are action, JESSIONID.
The macro name is sessiontracker(2) and the arguments are action, JESSIONID.
The macro name is sessiontracker(2) and the arguments are action, JESSIONID.
The macro name is sessiontracker and the arguments are $action$, $JESSIONID$.
The macro name is sessiontracker and the arguments are $action$, $JESSIONID$.
The macro name is sessiontracker(2) and the Arguments are $action$, $JESSIONID$.
The macro name is sessiontracker(2) and the Arguments are $action$, $JESSIONID$.
Suggested answer: B


The macro definition below shows a macro that tracks user sessions based on two arguments: action and JSESSIONID.


The macro definition does the following:

It specifies the name of the macro as sessiontracker. This is the name that will be used to execute the macro in a search string.

It specifies the number of arguments for the macro as 2. This indicates that the macro takes two arguments when it is executed.

It specifies the code for the macro as index=main sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie action=$action$ JSESSIONID=$JSESSIONID$ | stats count by JSESSIONID. This is the search string that will be run when the macro is executed. The search string can contain any part of a search, such as search terms, commands, arguments, etc. The search string can also include variables for the arguments using dollar signs around them. In this case, action and JSESSIONID are variables for the arguments that will be replaced by their values when the macro is executed.

Therefore, to correctly configure the macro, you should enter sessiontracker as the name and action, JSESSIONID as the arguments. Alternatively, you can use sessiontracker(2) as the name and leave the arguments blank.

asked 23/09/2024
deborah lockett
29 questions

Question 66


After manually editing; a regular expression (regex), which of the following statements is true?

Changes made manually can be reverted in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
Changes made manually can be reverted in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
It is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
It is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
It is not possible to manually edit a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
It is not possible to manually edit a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
The Field Extractor (FX) UI keeps its own version of the field extraction in addition to the one that was manually edited.
The Field Extractor (FX) UI keeps its own version of the field extraction in addition to the one that was manually edited.
Suggested answer: B


After manually editing a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field Extractor (FX) UI, it is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the FX UI. The FX UI is a tool that helps you extract fields from your data using delimiters or regular expressions. The FX UI can generate a regex for you based on your selection of sample values or you can enter your own regex in the FX UI. However, if you edit the regex manually in the props.conf file, the FX UI will not be able to recognize the changes and will not let you edit the field extraction in the FX UI anymore. You will have to use the props.conf file to make any further changes to the field extraction. Changes made manually cannot be reverted in the FX UI, as the FX UI does not keep track of the changes made in the props.conf file. It is possible to manually edit a regex that was created using the FX UI, as long as you do it in the props.conf file.

Therefore, only statement B is true about manually editing a regex.

asked 23/09/2024
Damir Stojsic
33 questions

Question 67


What does the fillnull command replace null values with, it the value argument is not specified?

Suggested answer: A


The fillnull command is a search command that replaces null values with a specified value or 0 if no value is specified. Null values are values that are missing, empty, or undefined in Splunk. The fillnull command can replace null values for all fields or for specific fields. The fillnull command can take an optional argument called value that specifies the value to replace null values with. If no value argument is specified, the fillnull command will replace null values with 0 by default.

asked 23/09/2024
Ali Reza Farahnak
50 questions

Question 68


To identify all of the contributing events within a transaction that contains at least one REJECT event, which syntax is correct?

Index-main | REJECT trans sessionid
Index-main | REJECT trans sessionid
Index-main | transaction sessionid | search REJECT
Index-main | transaction sessionid | search REJECT
Index=main | transaction sessionid | whose transaction=reject
Index=main | transaction sessionid | whose transaction=reject
Index=main | transaction sessionid | where transaction=reject''
Index=main | transaction sessionid | where transaction=reject''
Suggested answer: B


The transaction command is used to group events that share a common value for one or more fields into transactions2.The transaction command assigns a transaction ID to each group of events and creates new fields such as duration, eventcount and eventlist for each transaction2.To identify all of the contributing events within a transaction that contains at least one REJECT event, you can use the following syntax:index=main | transaction sessionid | search REJECT2.This search will first group the events by sessionid, then filter out the transactions that do not contain REJECT in any of their events2. Therefore, option B is correct, while options A, C and D are incorrect because they do not follow the correct syntax for using the transaction command or the search command.

asked 23/09/2024
Amir Arefi
35 questions

Question 69


Which of the following actions can the eval command perform?

Remove fields from results.
Remove fields from results.
Create or replace an existing field.
Create or replace an existing field.
Group transactions by one or more fields.
Group transactions by one or more fields.
Save SPL commands to be reused in other searches.
Save SPL commands to be reused in other searches.
Suggested answer: B


The eval command is used to create new fields or modify existing fields based on an expression2.The eval command can perform various actions such as calculations, conversions, string manipulations and more2.One of the actions that the eval command can perform is to create or replace an existing field with a new value based on an expression2.For example,| eval status=if(status='200','OK','ERROR')will create or replace the status field with either OK or ERROR depending on the original value of status2. Therefore, option B is correct, while options A, C and D are incorrect because they are not actions that the eval command can perform.

asked 23/09/2024
Francinilo Leitao Ferreira
34 questions

Question 70


Which of the following statements describe the Common Information Model (CIM)? (select all that apply)

CIM is a methodology for normalizing data.
CIM is a methodology for normalizing data.
CIM can correlate data from different sources.
CIM can correlate data from different sources.
The Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects.
The Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects.
CIM is an app that can coexist with other apps on a single Splunk deployment.
CIM is an app that can coexist with other apps on a single Splunk deployment.
Suggested answer: A, B, C


The Common Information Model (CIM) is a methodology for normalizing data from different sources and making it easier to analyze and report on it3.The CIM defines a common set of fields and tags for various domains such as Alerts, Email, Database, Network Traffic, Web and more3.One of the statements that describe the CIM is that it is a methodology for normalizing data, which means that it provides a standard way to name and structure data from different sources so that they can be compared and correlated3. Therefore, option A is correct.Another statement that describes the CIM is that it can correlate data from different sources, which means that it enables you to run searches and reports across data from different sources that share common fields and tags3. Therefore, option B is correct.Another statement that describes the CIM is that the Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects, which means that the person who is responsible for creating and managing knowledge objects such as data models, field aliases, tags and event types can use the CIM as a guide to make their knowledge objects consistent and compatible with other apps and add-ons3. Therefore, option C is correct. Option D is incorrect because it does not describe the CIM but rather one of its components.

asked 23/09/2024
29 questions
Total 291 questions
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