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Avaya 7230X Practice Test 1

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Avaya currently uses the online tool called Avaya Diagnostic Methodology (ADM) for partners to raise trouble tickets and receive assistance, and expects customers/partners to have performed the following tasks before raising a trouble ticket.

Clearly stated the problem.
Clearly stated the problem.
Detailed the findings.
Detailed the findings.
Clarified the problem.When they receive the trouble ticket, what is the next step in the diagnostic methodology that Avaya Tier 3 support will perform?
Clarified the problem.When they receive the trouble ticket, what is the next step in the diagnostic methodology that Avaya Tier 3 support will perform?
Identify a patch to fix the problem.
Identify a patch to fix the problem.
Update the Knowledge Management database.
Update the Knowledge Management database.
Implement a solution.
Implement a solution.
Determine the cause.
Determine the cause.
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Suggested answer: D
asked 16/09/2024
Malik Spamu
46 questions